

Abditory (Diary)
8th September 2021, Monday.

I got stressed out yesterday because my university expects a lot from the students. I cried the whole day because I couldn't control my emotions, tears and fear. I confessed to my sister that I wanted to quit but she was disappointed and angry. I have no choice left but to continue. The university made me very uncomfortable. I thought of ways to quit it just like the way I decided not to be a lawyer after buying books of laws. I cry whenever I don't feel good about it.

I didn't eat anything from yesterday because it's hard for me to swallow something down with so much emotion flooding inside me. I have to wake up early so that I can catch up with other students. Comparing is so toxic that you forget your worth and desires. It's been only 2 days and I am getting worse. My course is for 4 years. The course is very expensive too that my dad was out of money because of it. Life is never fair, we have to work to make it fair and worthy. Losing is always an option but winning is never a choice. We only choose our paths, the future writes on its own.

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