

Obsessed (part 3)
As the next days passed by, Chloe was around Zack even more than she had been.. She had to make him obsessed with her, no matter what. She slept at his house those days, not caring what her parents would say or even Zack wouldn't say. She didn't care if anyone approved, she had to do it. She didn't care at this point.
On the third day of her being stuck to Zacks side like glue, Zack tried being more distant. Not letting her hug him as tight, not letting her be as close all the time, leaving and not coming back for longer... so on and so forth. He didn't want all the attention anymore but he didn't want to flat out say it. This girl was just beaten by her crazy ex who she saw get dragged away in handcuffs! The poor girl was traumatized and he had to let her down easy....
Chloe noticed him being distant and less caring for her and that only pushed her to be closer to him. She didn't know why she had this desire to make Zack give her this much attention, but oh boy was it a strong craving. She savored every second of affection and attention she got from him but she wanted more. Needed more.
She pushed even harder for his affection but he pushed her even further away. She had no idea what to do at this point so she decided to figure out a different way to get to his heart. His ex girlfriend, Maria.
"Maria, remember that time you said if I ever needed anything that you'd be right there for me...? Well, this is that time I need you."

Thank you for reading once again. Bit short but... there's more to come. I would love feedback and anything helps! ❤️🫶

© Abbay