

Childhood pain
The childhood filled with rainbows and sunshines now became wind and rain. As a child I really thought life was going perfect if I know a lake with tears of the lost swans was awaiting for me in the misty dark sky.
I still remember the inner me who was still living was known to be thinking me as a royal business classy women with a good sense of passion. Don't misunderstand me, I had my reasons for this dream fantasies.Let me tell you one by one.
I'm a kid who was 'thought' to be born in a perfect family with loving parents and amazing relatives. A kid who was raised loved and supported with plenty of grandmas tales. A kid who was always successful in doing objective things and a kid known to be famous always. Still life was not perfect as it seems.
I got my younger sister when I was 5.Well,let me tell you, that's when my actual journey began.

To be continued.....

© michu_muhsina