

How are matter and consciousness the same and not different?
A few points to keep in mind before seeing the possibility of reality as we assume it to be

1: Cohesion is the cause and effect of inductive phenomena, which means the physical sciences or scientists are still in search of their universal reality.

2: Einstein said that light is not only a wave but also a particle, which translated to the term photon. 

3: Double entanglement theory: Suppose a subatomic particle is entangled with another particle located light years away. Then the action of one will be found in the reaction of another, which also cancels out the theory of the speed of light.

4. Summing up all this and then executing the double slit experiment proves that the behaviour of light changes when looked at or unlooked at, and thus matter and consciousness are one and the same thing.

This means that Adishankaracharya, who said that Quantum physics is a scientific expression of the coherence of memory or life, smacked all over the place, might be right.

This means that a god particle is something that one can always aspire to know but will always short out.
- Atul Tyagi
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