

The Ventriloquist Act 20
When Mr. Hanks got inside his truck, he took a deep breath. He felt so relieved that the dummy is finally dead, and it is never coming back. Before he pulled off, he called Jasmine.
"He did? So it's actually dead for real? It won't bother us no more right?"
"100% certain it will not come back in anyway. Once the soul is burnt, it dies out and it can't no longer make any contact with us. Especially since it's cut up. It's definitely not coming back," he said certainly.
"Thank God because I don't wanna ever go through that again. Ever," Jasmine said, feeling relieved and exultant as well.
"Let's celebrate, how about me, you and your mother go out later for dinner around 7 at Crackle Barrel? It's all on me," he suggested.
"Thanks Mr. Hanks, I need a real good dinner. Hold on. I'm about to ask her could we go," Jasmine said. She got back on the phone within 10 minutes. "She's down for it."
"Great, I will pick you guys up around 7," he informed.
"Okay, thanks Mr. Hanks. You're a life saver."
Mr. Hanks hung up, and drove off smiling.
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