

The Girl Who Couldn't Walk: Writer
"Illness shouldn't prohibit you from doing things because you still can."
                                            ~ Zoë Rebecca

Her name is Sarah she had this illness called "Dystonia" and she couldn't walk all her life, she had this hobby of writing, in there she wrote all her complaints in this world.

One day she asks her mom, "Mom, why can't I walk?" She asked coldly.

Her mom replied, "Because God has a plan for you." Her mom answered her and hugged her so tight.

One night she had trouble sleeping, she shouted "Mom, mom!" Her mom quickly rushed to her room.

"What's going on, Sarah?" Her mom worriedly asked her.

"Mom, I can't sleep," Sarah answered her mom.

"Okay, let me lay beside you." Sarah with excitement in her eyes moves on as her mom lulls her to sleep.

The next day her mom was cooking and she was in her wheelchair watching her mom cook.

She was writing again in her journal as her mom was sneaking into her journal.

"Aha, you're in love!" Her mom giggled with enthusiasm.

"No Mom, it's just fiction," Sarah answered her mom.

"Okay, okay," Her mom was now calm.

"Mom, will I be a writer someday?" Sarah asked her mom worriedly.

"Of course, my love why not." Her mom sincerely told her as she hugged her soothingly.

As the mother and daughter cuddle each other, the father sees them and joined them..

Oh what a family I have!

To Be Continued..

© XoXo