

In the bustling corridors of their college, Rohit and Shruti's friendship blossomed like a rare flower amidst concrete. Rohit, with his easy charm and infectious laughter, found solace in Shruti's quiet confidence and unwavering support. They were inseparable, often seen sharing inside jokes in the cafeteria or studying together in the library.

As the years flew by, their bond deepened. They weathered storms of exams, heartbreaks, and the uncertainties of youth, always standing by each other's side. But beneath the surface, emotions stirred, unspoken and ignored.

One fateful day, Rohit decided to confess his love for Shruti, his heart pounding with anticipation. With trembling hands and nervous breaths, he poured out his feelings, expecting relief in catharsis. Yet, Shruti's reaction shattered his world. She smiled sadly, her eyes brimming with tears, and gently confessed that she couldn't reciprocate his feelings. She cherished their friendship too much to risk it.

Rohit struggled to accept the reality, his heart heavy with unrequited love. Despite the ache, they tried to maintain their friendship, but an invisible chasm had formed, widening with each passing day.

As graduation approached, their time together dwindled, and the bittersweet realization dawned upon Rohit that their bond would never be the same. On the day of their farewell, amidst tearful goodbyes and promises to stay in touch, Rohit felt a profound emptiness gnawing at his soul.

Years went by, but the memory of Shruti lingered like a haunting melody, echoing in the corridors of his heart. He heard snippets of her life through mutual friends, each update a dagger piercing his wounded pride.

And then, one rainy evening, Rohit received the news he had dreaded – Shruti had met with a tragic accident and was no more. Shock and grief engulfed him, drowning him in a sea of remorse and unspoken words.

Standing by her graveside, Rohit wept for the friendship they had lost, for the love that could never be, and for the regrets that haunted him like ghosts in the night. In that moment of desolation, he realized that some friendships were destined to end, leaving behind scars that never truly healed.