

The best time in my life...
Let me tell you something...the best time in your life might happen happen once but mine happens many time...for me it's spending time with my love...they are just so cute that I can't control myself and pinch their's cheek...I have to say it that I don't want to reveal their gender because of my little secret which I'm sure I would tell in the future...trust issues...ahm! So back to the topic so basically I have this competitive exam tomorrow and I am not sure wheather I will pass or not...in simple words 'IM SCARED' and this brings my confidence down to a new level which is -100. Idk what to say but right now I'm with the love of my life and I feel so relieved right now that I'm writing this whole story. Idk this feeling... I'm gonna miss it because they are going somewhere else and then we will be in a long distance relationship...but I guess we should try it....and so here I am sharing my story with you guys. Just want to say to God that thank you very much for giving me someone so sweet,cute ,supportive and caring. I love them so much.
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