

7th Lane [Chapter-1]
Rajvardhan his wife anikha and their children Rahul and Priya is a small family.Rahul is 19 yrs old and Priya is 22yrs young girl.Rajveer is a bank employee.On 7th of June,Rajvardhan applied for his transfer to Kolkata.As he is senior employee he got his posting in the Kolkata only.So,on the 27th of June the family migrated to the Kolkata.Rajvardhan's family is alloted to the 7th lane and the house number is 07-7-77.They arranged everything in that new house. Priya's parents were very strict.They don't accept anything easily regarding to Priya and Rahul .But, after they came to the new house in Kolkata, Priya and Rahul observed a change in their parents.They felt ,the city atmosphere may changed them to normal parents.

July 1st, Priya's birthday. Her friends asked Priya for the party.So she asked the permission from her parents to go out with their friends . Rajvardhan and anikha accepted.priya felt so happy for that.Along with Priya,Rahul also went with her.after the party night,while coming to home,one of the friends came up with an idea of going to the 2nd Street,where there is a Haunted house 🏠.He said that there are many stories about that house.And people are more afraid of that second Street house.So, how will be the idea of going there to night!? Remaining friends are also so excited to do that kind of crazy thing.But Priya is not ready.However,they convinced her.They all walked to the second Street, and they started stepping towards that scary haunted house .The gates are opened automatically like they welcoming them.They entered to the main door.the door is unlocked.so,they stepped inside.Its a big banglow.But with full of dust and spider webs.They dispersed and all went to different directions.And Suddenly they listened big sound.one of their friends shouted.Then,all of them went to her,and asked what happened.She said that,she saw something in black colour .Then, they listened some foot steps from up stairs and some scary sounds.They,ran to the main door.But it was locked.The tried hard.Some one,took the iron stand which is beside,and they tried to open the door.Mean while,the foot steps are coming near.The door is opened.They ran from that house.While coming out,Priya turned back.Then she saw a black figure.They ran out from the second Street .And they rested for sometime, because they are soo frightened.Later,they started laughing for that thrilling moment.All friends went back to their homes.Priya and Rahul also walked to their house And they knoked the door.One old man came and opened the door.Priya asked "who are you?" .He replied,I'm the owner of this house ,and what do you want.Priya said that,it is our house .Old man replied that , they were living here from past 17yrs.Then,Priya realised that she mistakenly came to the 6th lane .She said sorry,and they moved from there.They went to next lane.Priya was shocked.Because,she saw a 8th lane,after 6th lane. 7th lane is missing..!??

Hello Readers! 👋 It is my first story series.Hope you'll enjoy this 7th lane. I'll come up with more twists in the next part.

#ghosts #stories #mistery #haunted #thriller #series #shorttime