

Sin- page 6 || The Story
please read the first 4 parts of the story as well.

“Well.. in fact I had never seen her so happy before and that’s when she told me that she had a boyfriend”. I completed and paused to take a sip only to find my glass had emptied.

She took the glass off my hand and poured another drink for me.

“OHhh… So… That’s when you separated. Right?” she probed feeling sorry for me.

“No. It broke my heart for sure. I had always though that she knew I was in love with her. I mean, it was obvious to everyone so it should have been obvious to her as well but sadly it wasn’t…”. I explained.

“Or she took you for granted or just kept you as a friend. Kind of the person she can turn to when needed but never acknowledged. The example of perfect boyfriend but not the boyfriend.” She interrupted angrily.

“No. It isn’t like that”. I tried to calm her down by explaining further.

“Feelings has no words. Different people interpret them differently. For some care and affection can be a feeling of brotherly love or friendship and for some it can be love. Hence, you need to express your feelings clearly. I mean that’s why we propose. Right?? I asked retorically.

She didn’t answer and just kept looking at my face.

“I didn’t do that then how was she suppose to know what I felt for her. It was a lesson for me and I learned it the hard way.
I understood this and accepted that she has found someone that’s not me. I felt going away from her for this reason would be punishing her for something that was not her fault. So I smiled and stayed”. I sneezed so stopped.

“Bless you!!”. She smirked and we laughed out loud.

“Then?” She asked.

“She got busy and we didn’t contact each other for 2 months but one day I got a call from her at around 8:30 in night. She was unhappy about her relationship for not going as expected. She was having issues with her boyfriend and she wanted to break up. I didn’t say a word because I knew her. She wasn’t calling to get suggestions. She was calling to vent so I only listened. In the end she took a deep breath and thanked me for listening to her rant. After listening to everything, I suggested her to talk to him about her feeling before we ended our call”. I started narrating the main story.

“Did she talk to him?”. Her couriosity felt known.

“Yaa.. Yaa.. She did and she told me that everything was resolved”. I answered.

“So you saved my parent’s relationship but then how did I end up with you and where is my father?”. She got ahead of the story.

“I will tell you but you have to listen to the whole story before I tell you the answers so that you have full context”. I assured her.

“Everything was resolved but not for forever. With time, I got to know that they had broken up and gotten back together many times. Each time they broke up or she was fed up of him, I got a call. I always listened but never suggested anything….”. I exhaled as I got near to narrating the turning point of the story.

Sensing the toll this trip down to the memory lane was taking on me, She came close to me and kneeled before me. I had been sitting on the same spot for a couple of hours now. The only time I moved out of the chair had been the time I poured drinks for myself. I had my hand put on my knee. She put her hand on mine and squeezed to express support.

“It’s okay, if you don’t want to continue. I understand it’s hard”. She slowely rubbed my hand.

“No. You should know the truth”. I dug my heels in.

I took a deep breath and collected myself.

“I was half way through second year of my college when a tragedy befell on me. I lost my mom and dad in a road accident. I was 20, I guess when this happened”. Eyes teared up as I relived my most painful memory.

She squeezed my hand again as I wiped my tears to got back in control.

“I remember it like yesterday. I got the news of their death from my uncle. He drove me to the hospital in his car. I was sitting on the front seat quite and stairing at the road ahead, trying to decide if it was all real or was I just dreaming. Even though my uncle brought me along to the hospital, he just asked me sit and completed all the formalities by himself. We got them to home and completed all the rituals. He kept my involment in all the rituals to minimum. I think he wanted to give me enough time to grieve.We took them to them to cremation ground and laid them on pyres side by side. The priest then handed me a flaming torch and asked me to set fire to the pyres. I did as told just like a mindless body. The two pyres lit up and the flames engulfed of what were my parents. We stayed their for few hours. I kept looking into the high flames. We came back home in the evening and my uncle dropped me at my place. Uncle had decided to carry on the rest of the ritual from his home so that no one can disturb me during the time of grief.

Mindlessly, I got out of the car and rang the doorbell of my house. Once, Twice, Thrice. I rang the bell many times and quickly. It always annoyed my mom that how impatient I am. I waited for her to come out yelling at me to stop ringing the bell so many times but no one came. I waited at my door for 10 minutes before I realised no one is coming. I remembered that I had a key so I took it out and unlocked the main gate. I walked up stairs to the floor we lived on. I unlocked the main door of the floor as well and walked directly into the kitchen. I guess I was trying to find mom. I came out of the kitchen to the dinning hall and that’s when I realised that the house is empty. I was all alone. I called out my mom and then my dad. My voice echoed in the empty hall. I fell on my knees and stayed like that until someone rang my door bell.

© summerof2000