

One Fateful Night (Chapter 1)
One Fateful Night
(Chapter 1)
JaMarcus was an intelligent man, but didn’t always make the best decisions in his personal life. He had built quite the stellar reputation in his small town of Glowing Springs for being an IT genius, but his childhood was a mess and he had to deal with a lot of stress at home and in his chest. Nevertheless he persisted to strive for the apple of his eye which was a piece of the larger pie in the sky for his kids and future wife.
To unwind he enjoyed meditation and relaxing with zen music, hiking deep in the woods, and playing apps with friends. One day, much to his merry surprise, a dazzling lady caught his eye on one of said apps. Her name was Helsinki, and his heart dropped when he saw she was also from the state of Belucky. He has been playing the app for years and this was the first girl he had seen from his state. Of course he challenged her to a match, and it went so fluidly. With his heart full of glee he sent her a message in hopes she might read. She played back a couple times then his excitement gusted like a strong wind when she played back again, because this move had a chat notification appended. His foundation quaked during intake of her message…she was also a resident of a Glowing Springs estate🤯.!!! What are the odds they together mused, must have been the work of the Gods, JaMarcus accused.
They played almost daily for over a year until JaMarcus felt he needed to make his feelings for Helsinki perfectly clear. He chatted her that she was in his heart and she jumped straight to the meeting part. They had learned about an interest they shared in playing pool through their many chats through the app, so they agreed to meet at a pool haul called Cue Hour in town at 8 for their first date.
Helsinki had struggled with anxiety and worked at a stressful job, nevertheless she was excited to meet JaMarcus, and had a plan for her worry mob. She popped a couple Valium and chased them with a beer, knowing the time to meet JaMarcus was closer than near. Her body was almost shaking, the energy surge she felt was earth quaking. Their connection had developed into such a strong match, still though, butterflies were bounding throughout her inner cabbage patch.
JaMarcus got freshened up and grabbed a quick shave, his heart beating so rapidly inside his chest’s cave. He attempted a quick meditation to settle his vibe, splashed on some smell good and skipped off to his ride.
Right on time JaMarcus arrived with a smile so wide and stars filled his eyes. He entered Cue Hour and scanned the room for Helsinki’s beautiful blonde hair, but he found her not yet there. He ordered a draft and reserved a back table, wondering if the fantastical fable he was mentally building, might one day be stabled. He racked up the balls and started playing a warm up free for all. He didn’t even need to look, he felt her presence when she entered Cue Hour’s nook. His heart imploded then exploded with free form glee, happy to finally make your acquaintance, Helsinki. I have a table reserved in the back for you and me.
JaMarcus couldn’t take his eyes off Helsinki, she was the most beautiful woman and her energy he compared of that of a raging sea moaning. Flirty smiles and belly laughs bounced around the room, they both knew their resistance was quickly becoming doomed.
© QuantumCDub