

My Toxic Family
So where do I begin my biological dad and the lady I don't consider my mom because my mom is living in Georgia with the guy that did stuff with me like take me to go to my vacation bible school twice he took me to have breakfast with his dad at a place called the red squirrel and he took me to Six flags in Georgia and me and my mom and him went to a place called the beach waterpark in Ohio and he took me to the renaissance fair where my stepsister was working at and he had bought me stuff that my dad and the lady that I still don't consider my mom they would take the stuff that I had gotten from either my mom or my stepdad like everytime my mom bought me a cd player my dad would see that I'm using it and take it out of my hand throws them at the wall and the lady that I still don't consider my mom had called my mom a witch because she had long hair and everytime my hair would get long the lady that I still don't consider my mom has me always get a haircut because she doesn't want me to look like my mom when you put a picture of me and my mom together and you can see the resemblance between me and my mom and my half sister because I look nothing like my dad and you can ask my family and my friends that I look a lot like my mom and not my dad
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