

The Unnoticed
I have never seen her this much upset for anything but whenever I read/talk something about child molestation or rape she got upset like never before. Either she ask me to stop reading/talking or she just leave the spot in a minute. I've always wondered why she is so much irritated in such news.

Yes people, you might be wondering what this girl is talking about without any connection or without an introduction. I'm talking about something which you may not want to read with too much interest because no one says molestation, bullying or rape are interesting topics to read. But here I'm talking about my best friend who gets emotionally irritated whenever I read or talk about the above mentioned topics.

Myself and her grew up together since we were kids, studied in same school and different colleges but that doesn't make any difference because today we are living together (not as a couple but as best friends) in an apartment. She is so much active in sports, arts and everything and I'm telling you she has this extraordinary talent to defeat you in any topics of debate. She talk and talk and just make you shut your mouth. She is beautiful inside out and an independent woman for whom her parents are proud of. Can you imagine that a girl like her keep running away whenever someone brings the topic of molestation or rape? I have asked her few times about this and what she said was "why do I need to bring negativity in my life with some boring news?" and I'm like "what the hell, this is India man, this is the world we live in and we can't just ignore everything because tomorrow this may happen to us!" Well, there is no point in arguing with her (you remember her extraordinary talent?) so I just stopped discussing such topics with her.

One day while I was watching news she just came in and sat next to me. Suddenly the newsreader started talking about a child abuse case, as if he was waiting for her to come and sit in front of the t.v. Even I got stunned for a moment because I knew what's going to happen next. She gave me a sharp serious look and said "why you are doing this to me everytime, what kind of pleasure do you get from hurting me?" Woah... Now that's some worst kind of reaction you can expect from your best friend when you watch a socially relevant news in television. I didn't know whether I should laugh or get angry on her for shouting at me for no reason or should I just switch off the t.v. When I figured out to shout back at her, she has already left the hall. So I thought I should go straight to her room and shout with more voice and I did half of it. Yeah, I went to her room but I saw her sitting in her bed and crying her heart out. I have never seen her in that emotional state. All I could do at that time was just to sit next to her and tap her back.

We both sat like that for another fifteen minutes and then I asked her what is the reason. I still don't know how she has managed to explain all that she went through when she was a 10 year old child. She had been sexually exploited to an higher level by one of her distant relative who lived next to our houses. When her parents were not in home she used to stay in his home and she had faced many many worst things which none of us would have faced. And that man had threatened her by saying that he would kill her parents if she says anything to anyone. She was forced to submit herself to a middle aged man, whom she call as her uncle, at the age of 10. She got rid of him only after a year, when that man got transfer to another place.

She was getting raped at the age of 10 while I was playing with my friends and toys. I remember the days when she refused to come and play with us, sometimes skipping her favourite dishes and cookies. I didn't know what she was into. How bad she might have felt during those times? She has been keeping those things within for years and letting those memories haunt her day and night. I couldn't believe that all these things happened to my best friend who is such a strong girl, brought up with all the possible and best facilities, pampered and protected by her parents. One can't simply imagine the mental pressure she has gone through.

You see people, a small kid had to endure all this because she wanted to protect her parents (that's what he made her believe). This happened to a kid who is literally privilaged in the society. Imagine how many less privilaged or highly privilaged children have been enduring all this non- sense. Children are getting raped sometimes by these kind of uncles, neighbors and sometimes by their own father, brother and the list goes on.

What I'm trying to convey is that, many of us have may faced similar kind of situations atleast once in our life. Sometimes in bus, sometimes in schools, colleges, sometimes from neighbors, some times in our own houses. We can't do anything about that until you start talking. You don't have to burn yourself in the mental pressure. You can share this to anyone you trust- friends, family, lovers, husband or whoever you trust. And to this generation, don't ignore such issues or news because what if this happens to you or your family tomorrow? You should stand in the shoes of the affected (don't want to use the term victim) to know what he/she/others feel.

Be strong enough to express what you feel people.

© athmasakhi