

because of the curse


Hey I am Radhika from Bhopal Madhya Pradesh . I don’t understand why is this happening to me I mean I never felt this miserable before . these sleep less nights are haunting me since I am 16 . Its been 4 years since then I don’t even remember anymore what sleeping feels like . Well today again I have an appointment with my psychiatrist . Well in last 4 years she is my 5th doctor who is still unable to get the reason of my sleepless nights . My best friend is waiting downstairs and its time I should leave for my appointment .
Miss Radhika – calls the receptionist
I am super confused I just hope this I get the reason of this fucking insomnia I am facing . Ishita is waiting in the waiting area and Dr Shivangi is in front of me suggesting me these pills I should try this time and see if it works this is just some random shit going on which I have gone through uncountable time in last 4 years.
After getting all the instructions I am back in my apartment getting ready to leave for the college I have already missed half of my lectures so its time I should rush .

It was a long day and o ton lots of work to do and a sleepless night that follows .
The night passes by and morning comes what do not comes is sleep in my eyes.
Well a fresh day a fresh start I am here in the college with Ishita with some news buzzing in the air about some new teacher just joined the college and he is just a badass and all stuff. Just then the bell rang and we went to our classes and got ready for some morning torture.
That’s when our Director Sir entered in our class with this guy in a tight tux and from what I noticed his hands covered with some tattoos I was just stairing at him like a fool that’s when Ishita grabbed me out of my dream and now she has got another topic to troll me for my whole life ahead.
Well whatever it is the Director Sir introduced him to the whole class his name was Ankush Jha well Mr Ankush Jha and he would be teaching us economics. Well I should not say but he was quite young for being a professor in a college. That’s when Director sir again interrupted my thoughts by telling us about how his practical knowledge is way better then the theory we are studying from the books and all stuff.
He also told us that our new teacher is just 5 years older then us and we should get motivation from him.
That’s the point when I noticed other all girls drooling over him.
Don’t know why but felt jealousy growing inside me.
The whole lecture passed with we all introducing ourself to him and he introducing his experience of his life.
And the day flew by just like that.

Ishita and I just came back from the college and were chilling in my room and then suddenly my mom came in my room and told me about these guests coming over and I am forced to look my best. I was in a small shock that what the hell on the earth is happening with me and I heard a small chuckle from behind guess what that bitch Ishita was breathlessly laughing on me.
Till the time I was processing about the information I just got it was already evening so I decided to look simple so picked out a blue kurta and black shalwar and a pair of silver jhumkas with kajal and a nude lipstick and I was ready to go down.
And by this time Ishita also went home so basically I was alone between my family and a bunch of strangers.
I directly went to the kitchen to see if my mom needs help which was just an excuse so that I don’t have to face them too soon. From the hall my father shouted for bringing some water for the guests and that’s when I realised it was my que to follow. So I went in the hall with the tray of water and what I saw left me completely into a shock.
I saw him like seriously what the hell is he doing here and that’s too with his family.
Mr Ankush Jha the badass teacher what is he doing here.
That’s when my father called out my name and I snapped out of my thoughts.
He introduced me with his family and told me a shocking news after hearing to which I just blackout and these words kept going on and on in my head

I mean what the hell is happening when I regain my consciousness that’s when the world around me started to look as of full of secrets.

Well everything around me started to look wrong it was like its some kind of a deep slumber and I need to get out of it but I can not. My mother came in my room along with his mother and started telling me about what happened 15 years back and what is this reason of the sleepless nights that are haunting me.
They started –
And told me that when I was 4 I went into some kind of off stage because of my astrology signs where not complete and I needed a bond to save myself from this situation and needed a partner who also have incomplete signs like I do.
Well speaking of the truth I never trusted in these superstitions like these but my parents did back then.
Then my mom continued saying that after this bond was created between me and Ankush both of us recovered real quick and they thought that this curse would never come back in our life.
That’s when I realised maybe Ankush is also suffering from these sleepless nights which turned out to be right when his mom continued saying.
That even he is in the same stage as you are. She further added that they thought that once the bond is created and they are even getting back towards a normal life. That’s when the nightmare started both of us that is Ankush and I started to suffer from insomnia and that the only way possible get rid of it was we two staying together for the rest of our life.

What the hell did I just got to know. I mean it is too much to process and then that night was different from the other nights in a way I mean ofcourse it was sleepless but also stressful at the same time. So I went to the terrace for some inner peace that my mind was begging for. And I noticed that someone is already there yes it was him so I thought it was the right time I should go to him and talk about what had happen earliar today.
That’s the moment I realised that no it can not happen I mean what I saw in the college that was completely different from what I am seeing right now he is a completely different person now and it’s the kind that no girl wanted her life partner to be he was ruthless and cold blooded it was like he don’t care about what happened down there and just standing there smoking a blunt. I was so grossed by what I have seen and repeatedly these words were repeating in my head. HE IS NOT MY KIND.

After that incident took place on the terrace. We never interacted for a couple of weeks and I along with Ishita started to bunk his classes to avoid him as much as possible.
After few days we were just roaming around in the college and I started feeling sick and was about to fall when I felt someone holding me tight I looked at Ishita stairing at me in a shock so I tried to get a glance over who is holding me and why she is so terrified. That’s when I noticed a hand covered in tattoos and my face went pale yellow and I looked at his face his eyes I was surprised by the fact that he actually was feeling sorry for me and also cared for me.
After that I came back home and just laid in my room for rest of the day.
Next morning when I was getting ready my phone chimed and I saw a text on my phone it was him the text said –
Okay this was the bigger shock for me in the starting of the day.
I mean the sudden changes in his behaviour where hilarious for me.
Well I got to know that it was his 26th birthday that day so I decided to give him a surprise that will make him feel special so I went to the college and texted him to come and meet at the terrace and even picked a cake and a dream catcher as a gift for him. Which stated that his wish of getting a sound sleep will be fulfilled and he can see those dreams again.
As we reached on the terrace I covered his eyes with a blind fold and grabbed his hands then I opened his eyes and it was nothing of what I thought his reaction would be he was infact angry about the fact that all I did for him made just more angry. And that left me in a shock.
Well this was the time when I got to know about his past life. After the college was over he asked me to drop me at my place as he wanted to tell me something that I should have known as we will be sharing the life ahead.
We came across a park and he parked his car we went inside and sat on the bench where I first time saw him being so vulnerable. I decided to remain silent and let him speak first. That’s when he said he use to love this girl named Sakshi and she also loved him with all her heart and they had a really beautiful relationship of long 3 years.
But then things started to change drastically and because of his insomnia she went under depression and even committed suicide. Since then he never celebrated his birthday. I felt so bad and sorry for him that words got caught in my throat and before even I can speak he hugged me tight and I took him in my embrace after a log wordless moment he broke the silent by saying that I SHOULD DROP YOU HOME BEFORE IT GETS TOO LATE
The word home gave me a knot in my stomach.
Because standing here with him in my arms felt more of a home then that apartment where I stayed.

After he dropped me home I was not able to get him out of my head.
So I called Ishita and told her everything he said about the hug and the warm embrace and as I started to tell her about my feelings it felt like if I started talking now it would never end. But I tried and told her that it was the first time in 4 years that I had a feeling that gave me the peace that my inner mind is begging for. I said I think I LOVE HIM and what next I knew I did a mistake by telling it to her because now she gonna tease me all through the time we will be together and if she opened her mouth in front of Ankush then I am gone.
And guess what my nightmare turned out to be true that bitch opened her mouth at the worst situation when this could ever happen. Yes during his lecture in our class.
Great now I can not even think about facing him. The next moment I noticed he was standing in front of me.
Instead of saying anything he gave me a smile and gentelly touched my cheek and went away.
And that gave me some confidence.
Well after that incident days passed like a mist and such small incidents kept on happening. Which made the butterflies fly in my stomach and my feelings and love for him was growing day by day. And till now even I have not confessed to him yet. Keeping aside the growing closeness between us I am scared about telling him.
Next day when I went to college I decided to confess him about my feelings. But I never knew that I am planning a to surprise him but there is already another surprise waiting for me.
This guy named Vansh came and stood in front of me and in a glance he bent down on his knees and within a moment he proposed and even before I can even process on what is actually happening I don’t know from where Ankush came and stood in front of me and slapped the guy. It was like everything just stopped in front of my eyes and I started to loose my consciousness. Next what I remember was I am sitting in my room with Ishita beside me looking tensed. I asked her about what happened after I loose my consciousness.
She said that Ankush was full of anger he even blocked my no from his phone and even resigned from his job.
Okay that’s a lot to process I thought. But till the time I would try to do something my mom told me that Ankush and his family will be shifting from here tonight and will be going to some other state. Which left me I complete shock and tears.
My heart was screaming these words which were WHY WITH ME ????.....................

I ran ran and ran just to get to there house on time and hopefully i was lucky enough to find them there and I saw Ankush it looked like he might have been crying all this time I went near him and grabbed his arm and took him to the terrace where we first officially met.
And as I was about to confess he started confessing and said that he loved me since last 4 years but was not having the confidence to tell me after Sakshi died he always had my photo with him in his mind in his heart and he continued saying that I was the only reason he took job in this college and he just wanted me to love him.
But when he saw Vansh proposing me he just broke down into pieces and the rage in his anger grew and he slapped him without thinking.
That’s the point I realised that today if I not have came here I would have lost not only my love but my world.
So pull him into a tight hug and told him that yes we were bonded to get relief from the curse. But this is happening we are together we are one world just
BECAUSE OF THE CURSE !!!!.............

© Vartika Modi