

Pump In Depression.
Once Upon a Time.
was Skid and Pump walking.
but suddenly Roy bullied him. And
Roy said to him that it sticks like crap from garbage.
And now The pumpkin little fello got depressed.
it started to cry really loudly.
pump says with a crying voice.
I cannot take this anymore!!
I wish I was never born. I wish I was dead. if Skid Saw Him Skid Shouted. No Pump don't die. you have much to live for. pump Pump says. cannot even take it anymore life became More Stupider. so pumpkin fella brought a a piece of broken glass bottle. and he sliced his throat. almost. he grabbed his hand. Skid says don't do it.
you have much to live.
I'm going to be sad without you. pump says there's no use friend. and that's what I supposed to do. let me peacely die skid. and then pump sliced his throat with a broken glass bottle but thank God gladly Skid managed to save him from death. Skid said to pump we are best friends we share together. I help you in need. And friend I have something to tell you. if I celebrate spooky month lonely without you. I Will be lonely. Sad. Without Any Friend Sitting in the Rain and Crying. Pump said you're right killing myself is bad. but having friends it's not. now pump put the broken glass bottle down and now pump it's full of joy and happiness. and I noticed another one having depression.
Skid and Pump walk to that guy. And said what's wrong?? the guy says with crying voice. I need a hug. and Skid and Pump said sure. so Skid and Pump gave him a hug. and chilled him up of course. the recovery chilled him up. now pump doesn't feel any sadness. or discomfort once or ever. and now pump in the sunny day it played soccer with Skid how many goals he got Pump?? he got eight goals. now pump doesn't feel any sadness. he doesn't feel any fright. he doesn't feel any discomfort it doesn't feel very sad. it filled forever happy and lived forever Spookin after. the end