

Inner me
Not a poem, quote or story but just my heart burst out here Hope you can relate with this.

Hey, I m one of you. With a confused state of mind,outraged with frustration, courage to be shattered soon.
Nothing is giving me delight. No person,no hobby, no memory can make be glittered like a dazzling star.I m losing my self confidence.Nothing to say,just state of mind in a different arena.I wanna cry a lot.I wanna cry more and more deep.I wanna outburst all my frustration at once. This pandemic has not only created havoc regarding physical health but also devastated mental health of many.A cold war is going somewhere in the heart. Loving loneliness, wanna cut off to get inner peace.
Peace, which could give me relief.
Peace,which could bring a smile of satisfaction on my face.
Peace,which could console and heal me.
Peace, which could bring an end to this inner quarrel. The unsaid quarrel,which is betweenI, me and mine.The unsaid thoughts which have no approval to come out with words.Even, I don't know how to put these thoughts into words . Just I wanna stop this all, I wanna satisfaction of being myself .I don't wanna win with anyone, I just wanna win over me, I just wanna compete with my dull side to brighten not for the world but for myself.This is all..!