

Love Infinite (28)
Episode 28 :- A Girl Of Character

Previously Rajeshwari was surprised by how shanaya let Abhimanyu go because She had asked her to do so. She remembered the day when she asked her to do so.

Shanaya :- Dad, you here?
Shaurya :- Keep your voice low or else Abhimanyu will come to know the truth.
Rajeshwari :- I called him over for dinner. He is been here before.
Shanaya :- Of course I know that. Dad, didn't you say that I should visit you often.... then let's go out today for dinner.
Shaurya :- Woah! Really?
Shanaya :- Yeah!!
Shaurya :- I am sorry Mrs. Shroff! This is a very rare opportunity for me. You are a parent too you know how our lives just revolve around our children. In your case, you have Abhi by your side but not in my case.
Shanaya :- I am really sorry about that Dad.
Shaurya :- Arre!! Don't give me the happiness in a day. I have left things on time, it will heal everything. Don't bother, both of us are at fault.
Rajeshwari :- What went so wrong that made your daughter leave the house?
Shaurya :- She didn't leave the house, she has left the business. House is made by people not by building. She loves me, her uncle and aunt. She loves us all and we all love her too. Wherever we are that will be her home. Why she left business is something very personal I can't tell you that! Your questions imply that you have inquired about her from other's before then why did you ask me?
Rajeshwari :- You are right! I did ask others before. But a father knows his daughter best. Whatever your father said is that true?
Shanaya :- Well if you have believed that you wouldn't have asked others. Let me tell you about myself. You know I am someone who is always furious but I am used to it so I stay calm. Now you have even given me reasons to be furious. But the reason why I am calm is my father's teachings and of course your son helped me once, so it will be like returning his favour by me keeping myself calm.
Rajeshwari :- What are you trying to say?
Shanaya :- I will tell you. I will start from very beginning. My name is as you know Shanaya Singhal, daughter of Shaurya Singhal. I entered the business world when I was 20. I helped my father in business and we both started from scratch. My attitude is such that I don't tolerate it when anyone tries to harm my family or our business. While I was bringing business back to its place with my father and uncle, there were people who were jealous of our success and couldn't bear it. When my dad was awarded as the businessman of the year, this angered his competitors who planned on to kill him, I was with them as well but they thought that I wouldn't be able to do anything. But I managed to save my dad from them. This happened many times, it didn't stop until we were very successful such that no one could easily reach us. We had made very strong security system for him but still I was restless. My father decided to let me takeover the business as he felt that now there's no danger with the security we have but still there was. Because I had beaten all of them to death, this irked them all and they awaited the chance to kill me and dad. I took the business over with responsibilities, luxury and enemies. I did that to make sure that they attack me. I constructed another house, my den where the security system is very tight. I started to live away from my family in order to ensure their safety. Whenever anyone tries to kill me, I give them a tough reply. I have beaten so many goons that I even know them well. Since then everyone fears me for my attitude and character. Everyone in the business world knows how I am and that's why everyone tries their best to not to do anything that they sit on my nerves.
Shaurya :- If you are worried, that if Shanaya is here then Abhimanyu's life will be in risk the you don't have to worry as she has submitted her resignation letter before. She is aware that they can use people around her so she doesn't stay at any place for long. My daughter makes sure that no one innocent has to suffer because of her. But as the company policy, she will have to work till a month at least. Till she is there she will never let Abhimanyu be in danger. She always has protected people.
Rajeshwari :- I can't believe that you are in favor of your daughter's actions. The way she beats people which has eventually brought your life in risk as well. How can you let that happen as a father? Why can't you stop your daughter from hitting people?
Shanaya :- Mam...
Shaurya :- It's okay shanaya, let me handle it. Whatever she is I am very proud of her. I think those morons who informed you about my daughter didn't tell you well. Shanaya is a girl of good character and attitude. She is known for that. Although everyone fears her as it's because of their own actions. I would surely stop my daughter if she had raised the hand first. This is what I had asked her when she had fought in her schoolfir the first time.To never raise the hand first. Defend and not attack. Problem will be if she had raised her hand but she never did that. If you see her in a fight what she does is always defense not attack. She does it to keep herself safe and to keep people around her safe. Rather than reminding me of a father's duty why don't you remind yourself a mother's duty? Don't you see how your son attracts problems to himself and even if my daughter goes your son's life still remains in risk because of his own actions. The enemies he has is all because of him. But the enemies my daughter has is not because of her. He attacks first. I tell him every time that it's good to not to keep a blind fold on anything wrong but there's police for that work. If he comes to know about anything such he should inform police rather than dealing with it himself. I took you wrong Mrs. Shroff. You are someone very selfish sorry to say that but it's true. I will take your leave. Next time don't call my daughter to your place, I know how you sister in-law treated her when she came for work here. It was Abhimanyu's fault to be drunk but you blamed her though she brought him safely at home. He created a huge ruckus in front of the hotel she lived causing her to be thrown out late at night. You can't imagine how that day had been for her as she met some goons because of Abhimanyu and in order to keep him safe, she fought then and was so badly injured but all you could see is your son. Even if I don't live with her we both know everything about each other.....what we are doing each second. You better be careful Mrs. Rajeshwari and Mrs. Radhika.
Shanaya :- Take it easy! I think they got your point. You wait near the car, I will come soon.
Shaurya :- Ok, come soon. I will make the reservations and will call Sharma.
Shanaya nodded and then looked at Abhimanyu's mother. She was angry that because of her my father was upset.
Shanaya :- I really hate it when someone troubles anyone innocent. When you had problem with me, you could've just told him rather than calling my father over to try to insult him like this. You are Abhimanyu's mother for your own good otherwise if someone else would have been there in your place since now you know who am I you can think what I would have done. When I came last time with Mr. Shroff to take an important file, you and he offered me to eat but you had prepared some nonveg dishes. I had told you that I am vegetarian. When you brought me in the kitchen, I saw that you have all nonveg dishes ready despite knowing that both me and my father are vegetarian. This means that you called him over just to insult him like this. You didn't do it right. He is very innocent that's why he couldn't understand why you called him. I am not innocent. If he had known this it would have hurted him really badly. And I wouldn't have been able to tolerate that. Mrs. Shroff I will make sure that your son's life will never come in danger because of me as you wished.
Rajeshwari :- Actually......
Shanaya :- Forget it Mrs. Shroff. Apologising is not easy for a person like you. But remember one thing, One should pray for their own benefit but not for anyone's bad.

#character #girl #attitude
© Bhoomish