

Soul Journey, Purpose
In Journey of us there is a parallel Journey of our soul, it is simultaneously happening with the life Journey. We are alive as long as Journey of soul continues, but our purpose and purpose of soul in this Earth may not always be same and aligned, the soul purpose in this Earth is not for being entertained, physical sensation, but here for Self improvement, Self upgradation in terms of Spirituality, for making better understanding us of who We really are, what is our real identity. No matter what happening out externally, what the situation and circumstances we face, what are our feeling and Emotions all these are temporary nothing will be permanent in long term Journey but only soul upgradation by realization, being more biased towards Spirituality by understanding real meaning of our life, more we seeking and realizing the truth more our soul getting connected with Spirituality. There is no tie and bondage in our soul, the soul is free from everything, every external thing. We have illusion, we make mistakes, errors, we have tendency to get more, we have burning desires and wishes, but with soul all these are not matched and possible because soul is free from everything so there is no reality trap that can capture our soul. We sometime make mistake about who we really are because of not getting connected with our soul, when we get truly connected with our soul then there will be no difference and no barrier between soul and our self. But in reality there are a lot of layers made from input of reality, society, family, education, external situation, people opinion, teaching etc which shapes us according to it's own essence hence we gradually get disconnected from who we really are, our real and true self. From the very beginning of our birth society, family, parents decides what to do, what is real and good for us, what is true and What should be Our Goal and aim which is not Spiritual Goal because of that our goal and purpose is not matched with soul purpose. Our deepest level of Consciousness is connected with soul so with Consciousness evolution soul upgradation and fulfilment of soul purpose may be possible. Our perception and perspective and outlook about life and reality is not aligned and linear with essence of soul purpose. The input layer from Universe shapes our life, purpose and significance and ending of that life doesn't fall into the soul Journey so path of our life and journey of soul are completely different, Spirituality and Spiritual Goal can only be linker and connector between these two paths and can act as bridge. Due to having difference of meaning and definition of life to us and purpose of soul Journey we don't ever realize our soul purpose but when we realized the actual purpose of soul then our life becomes spiritually upgraded, transition of life from reality, materialistic world to ultimate truth and spirituality. The present or current existence and it's state, all layers are when will be in same page with soul journey then reflection of our real and True Self will be projected in our life and our existence. Purity and authenticity of our existence, no layer of external thing or universal input only possible with oneness and unity with soul no other way ever have. Pure connection with our self is only possible through soul.
© Arka Samanta