

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 11

Ancient Artifacts


Lumiere and I walked through the ruins of Moltovia. We looked for any signs of a way out of the simulation. We came upon an old abandoned apothecary. "What is this place, some sort of magic factory or something?" I asked, looking around. “Looks abandoned to me, let’s see if we can find anything important. Like books or artifacts.”Lumi replied. We started looking through the mysterious apothecary and as I was about to give up, I saw a glowing red orb. "This orb looks exactly like the one we got from that Molten,” I said as I pulled the other red orb from my pocket. Just then the two orbs started glowing. “ W-what the!” I exclaimed in surprise. The two orbs started floating as they began moving towards the back of the apothecary. A small door appeared and the orbs zoomed straight in. “I'm guessing we have to follow them, right?” I sighed, already knowing the answer.
As we chased after the strange orbs they continued to get brighter and brighter until our surroundings were completely covered in a soft red hue.``Where are we Lumi?” I questioned looking around. “Not sure, but it looks like an ancient library of some sort.” He said. Suddenly the orbs began to speak in two soft female voices. ‘Hello young hero this is the Moltovian Library or Moltovia Records, here you will find many scrolls filled with the knowledge you need to know on your quest. Libraries just like this one are placed around every planet. Since this one was going to be destroyed by the Warlords, The Kings of you and your friend's planets decided to store them in pocket dimensions called Intel Orbs. These orbs can be used to return from this simulation. Do not worry you will be able to return, all you have to do is place the orb onto the gem on your belt and the gem will absorb the orb allowing you to return to the library. The scrolls contain new Skills and spells, some contain Moltovian Planetary History. These can be taken from the library and used on your quest. These scrolls are protected with multiple enchantments that can conceal what’s inside and keep you from losing them. Enjoy! May the flames of Moltovia Warm your hearts.'
We continued down the stairs and entered the massive sprawling library. A dark red scroll rolled from a pile of other scrolls. Intrigued, I opened it. The title read The History of The Planetary Alliance. I flipped the page it read: In the beginning there were 4 solar systems, These solar systems were called: Walria solar system of Innovation, Lendrium solar system of Artifacts, Juni solar system of the Hunt, and Dronia solar system of Science. Each planet had its own culture and magic. But these solar systems were wiped out by the 14 Warlords of all planets in each solar system except 4. One planet from each solar system these planets were, Mono Ogria, Moltovia, Orbitron, and Emeraldia. These planets were known as The Bureau of Planetary Alliance. Or B.P.A. During the extreme battle with the other planets, A child from each planet was sent to a new undiscovered solar system. This solar system had a planet that could habitate the children until they are ready, this planet was called Earth. On Earth, the young heroes will be raised as Normels ( Normels are what magic beings call humans and non-magic users.) until they are of fighting age. This scroll contained me, and my friend's life story. What the actual hell! I shook my head in disbelief and closed the scroll. I put it in a satchel that I found in the apothecary. As I continued to skim the titles of the other scrolls, a title written in bright orange caught my eye like a moth to a flame. I pulled it from the shelf and sat on the floor. The title read: Moltovian Skills and Abilities in thick bold letters. Skills and Abilities? What? As I continued reading I saw some pretty awesome skills here. Some of these skills were tailored to Lumi as well: Sword Technique: Phoenix Flame: Using Red Flames, User Momentarily Stops moving, drawing in all her mana, and Releases it making her flame stronger. This Technique can only be used with a team because using it while solo can leave her unguarded and vulnerable.
Skills: Flaming Arc: Uses flaming sword Soria and attacks, swinging her sword in an arcing motion. Torrential Flame: Summons fire using red flame magic and sends it crashing down on her opponents.

Species: Firefox
Powers: Hellscape: traps opponents in a yellow flame dome and uses Hellfire to burn them alive. Yellow Flames: Low-grade flames compared to Red Flames.
Skills: Inverse Embers: burns enemies from the inside out. Magma Port: Travels from place to place through magma. " Wow." That was all I could say because reading all of this made no sense to me but since I have no choice I mind as well as get used to it. Lumiere and I walked around a bit more but my bag was packed to the brim with scrolls so I called it a day and decided to leave the library. On the way up the long staircase, I saw a spherical bag similar to my quiver. I grabbed it and examined it. The bag had burgundy letters written on it: Lumara Lightingrove. Wait, isn't that my last name?
Was this an ancestor of mine? I looked at the quiver in awe. In one of the scrolls called The Ancient Artifacts Of Moltovia, there was a picture that looked exactly like this quiver. From what I can recall it said that this quiver was called: Mana Quiver. It basically gave the user an infinite amount of arrows depending on how much mana they had.``Wow, this thing is neat. I guess I don't need my current quiver but I'll keep it just in case." We continued up the stairs, reached the small door, and re-entered the apothecary. After exiting the apothecary we decided to keep exploring to find answers to what was going on. As we walked I started thinking, Up until this point I've been going with the flow and haven't had time to think about our situation. If these 14 Warlords were going to attack Earth, how are we going to fight them all? Max said we were going to find and defeat the 1st Warlord but we don't even know where he is. " Lumi, do you know anything about these Warlords? We need all the Intel we can find because if we know nothing of our enemy and they know everything about us what chance do we have of beating them?" Lumiere looked at me, waiting until I finished. "To be honest with you Twilight my memory is a little bit hazy so I can't give you any valid info at the moment. Maybe ask Max when we get back. Ok?" I nodded solemnly and focused on the road ahead. As I looked around I saw a giant building a few meters ahead. "Lumi! look ahead, I see a building of some sort. '' As we got closer to the structure it was badly damaged but was still standing surprisingly. At the front of the building, there was a broken sign that read: Moltovian Artifacts and Items. Hesitantly we walked inside hoping to find nothing but rubble. To our immediate shock, there was zero damage done to the inside. The building was pearly white with a red carpet covering the marble floor. Suddenly the orbs started glowing and floating again. "What now!?" I exclaimed exasperated. Following the orbs, we came upon a room filled with all kinds of trinkets and tools as well as scrolls.
"This room was once a study hall to learn about the different types of artifacts created on Moltovia. During the war between the Planetary Alliance and the Warlords, it too was destroyed but one of the artifacts created a time bubble sending it into the orb with the Library and another unknown building. In this building, there are different types of artifacts that the citizens of Moltovia created. Look around but be careful, not all creations of artifacts go smoothly, some went badly and can hurt those who use them without caution. Let the Flames of Moltovia Warm your hearts. " The orbs said, repeating the same mantra as before. Well, we might as well look around. There might be something that can help us find the first warlord. Looking around this place you wouldn't believe it was half destroyed on the outside. Lumi and I walked around the hall. I spotted a medium-sized rainbow glass case of some kind. A closer inspection showed 4 rings, each with its color and symbols. " What kind of Artifact is this?" I wondered, turning the translucent cube in my hands. The colors looked vaguely familiar, like the orbs Max showed us when we first arrived. I decided I would ask him once we returned. Hopefully, he might have a better clue as to what these rings are. As I put the rainbow cube in my bag I saw something else, a weird golden crystal that was sitting on top of a large open scroll. The scroll had drawings on it, these drawings looked like some sort of schematic, but to what? So as I did with the cube I stuffed the strange crystal and scroll into my bag. Continuing on we came upon a giant room filled with weapons and 4 armor stands. One red, one white, and one green. The 4th armor stand was surprisingly empty. To the right of the armor stands there was a plaque that had writing on it and a weird spherical device. The writing read: If someone is reading this that means our plan worked. These are the armor the Chosen One's will use on their journey; the device to the right of them is a storage device. Press the red button to transfer the armor into the device and press the green button to release the armor from the device. Picking up the device it was kinda light in my hands I shifted it around and as the message said there were 2 buttons on it. A red one and a green one. I pointed the device at the 3 remaining armor stands and pressed the red button. There was a flash of red light as the device pulled each armor stand inside. Once the device finished and the light disappeared I put it into my pocket. Looking at Lumi I said, "I don't think I have enough room in my bag for anything else, We'll come back if we need to let’s head out." On the way out I decided to grab one more thing. It was a small red necklace with the initials L.L. Engraved on the back.
These letters look familiar as the name on the quiver L.L. Stands for Lumara Lightingrove! Maybe this Lumara person might be more important than I thought.

© cooljaxon22