

The Denied Truth

Free The People
(Letter to the so called ´´leaders ´´)

We are not free people and we don't recognize it. Only a few people are aware of this situation. We are slaves of the so called ''LEADERS''. We might deny it all we want,but facing reality we are slaves of the so called ''LEADERS''. Their rules are killing us but we act as if we don't notice. The main reason to act like we don't notice it's just fear. Fear to express our feelings,just to please or stay in the good books of our so called leaders who don't even give a damn about us. We fear to be independent just because of the little things the so called'' LEADERS''provides for us, and little do we know that they don't give us those things to please us, but to fool us. They also fool us with their lies they keep on telling us. They only remember us when it suits them. They only remember us when they need favors from us. Favors such as votes. They are selfish. We just have to do what they say,they don't care how we feel about those things. They want us to treat them as our god and that's impossible. We just have to jump whenever they say jump,we don't have the right to say how high? They try to give us their useless knowledge that doesn't even help us with anything in life. To be honest education doesn't help us with anything in life. Education only helps you prepare to generate income for the so called ''LEADERS''. They make sure you have to obey their rules by intimidating you and tell you that without education you are nothing and that's not true. Education is not the key success,your mind set is the key to success. You may behold many papers named certificat ( just to fool us),and still not have it right in life. Education is just part of the ways to make us slaves. The knowledge we are supposed to be given is the knowledge of life which is in the bible, but biblical classes are not offered in schools owned by the so called ´´LEADERS''. The reason not to offer the Bible classes is that we will get to know or get the knowledge we really need. The fear that we will get the important knowledge we need faster than the knowledge they give us, and we won't need the knowledge they give us because the knowledge in the book of life is very clear and it doesn't need to be explained, and when we deny their knowledge we are jepardising their plan to make us slaves and owning us. They have fooled us to point that when someone tries to show the people the light they defend the so called ''LEADERS''and start criticizing the person, and that's not them talking it's just the false knowledge they were given by the leaders so that they don't believe in themselves that they can be independent. Their false knowledge causes conflicts in many homes. The knowledge makes parents say many bad things to kids, and their words depress and break the kids. Parents don't believe in their children's talents and ability just because of the false knowledge they were given by the so called ´´leaders´´.

We not the one's in control of our lives, the so called ´´leaders´´ are the one's in control of our lives. The gave the people the impression that without money you are not rich. You are rich but not wealthy. You are rich in soul. You are rich because you have life, life is worth much more than gold. This people are so self centered, I mean they are making us pay for the gifts we were given by the Lord, for instance we pay for water, and after we have payed they split the money and they stop providing the water. We sacrifice the money to buy our needs just to give it to them so that they can buy their wants. People work very hard while they are gaining status just because of the jobs they don't qualify to work in. It's a pity to see a man looking nice in a suit working for a man in pyjamas. They make us suffer with this things they call tax. You work very hard and you are not given the amount you were promised, then they tell you that your money helps the needy but then you still see the needy still hopeless and not helped.People are also doing crazy things just to get money,just to give it to the so called ''LEADERS''. People are sinning just to get money to give it to the so called ''LEADERS'' who don't give a damn about our souls,they don't care how we got the money as long as they get what they want. People are also paying for things that money can't buy just to get money that they won't even spend it all,some of it goes to the so called ''LEADERS''. People pay just to have one on ones with pastors so that they get miracles(money).Just imagine a person wasting his/her money to buy time just to cover the wants of the 'LEADERS''.

Black people are the ones who suffer the most. We suffer because we don't want to be independent and we are easy to fool. Black child wake up and fight for your freedom and peace. Because only a few black people are wealthy and the rest we just dependent on the so called ''LEADERS''.

Females Not Free
Females are not free people. We keep losing innocent soulse and this loss is caused by some of this reckless males. If it's not rape it's murder. When will all this come to an end. In some cases female are wrong every one is not perfect and they don't deserve to pay with their souls. This issue of raping,abusing and killing females has turned into traditional man game,because in every South African city males are murdering and abusing females. Sad thing is that males were meant to make females free but we are the one's making them not to feel free. Now females fear to roam around freely because their afraid of some hooligans. Just because a female says no now you have to over use your power by doing the main reason you were given those powers.The main reason males were given the power they have was to protect their fellow Mother's and sisters and protect them from some of this hooligans,so if you use your powers to abuse them who do you expect to expect to physically protect them. What are we teaching the young ones,how is our next generation going to be. How do we expect young girls have the desire to get married,how do you expect our population to increase, who is going to bring change to our country if young girls don't have the desire to get married and build families when they have fear to engage their selves with males because we are slowly giving them the idea that males are some monsters.This hooligans are cursing our young ones with their doings. Even harmless males are being called names just because of this hooligans. This hooligans are ungrateful because some of this females are protecting,loving and trusting them even when they don't deserve being protected.loved and trust.Some females try to sympathize them by not reporting them and keeping silent,sad thing is that this hooligans don't see it as being loved,they see it as their opportunity to do it without limitation because the female doesn't want to report them just because they don't want to ruin their lives.Society just judges this females who protect such hooligans, I don't blame them because those people are drunk in love and we all do crazy things for love,you might find that the people judging this females are doing much more crazier things for love,who are to you judge the life someone lives,those females are not perfect and they don't have to,before you start pointing fingers make sure your hands are clean.My fellow sisters don't let poverty take your dignity and pride just because of money that is going to lose value over a period of time,in short don't chase ''blessers'' because those people are not taking you anywhere they are just misleading you and contributing in you losing yourself,and once you lose yourself it's over for you,this people are abusing your rights,emotions,mind and soul,please learn to stand on your own self, don't depend on a man because this people are the weather they are unpredictable.

Lost Souls.
We are lost people and the people who are misleading us are the people who were meant to lead us. We are not moving in the right path. This days clubs are packed more than churches. In every corner you find clubs and liquor stores but you only find few churches. Churches are not packed because this fake prophets are crashing the desire for church in our souls. Churches this days are like parlaments and businesses. Most pastors don't see a church as a place of worship,they see a church as their source of income. It's not like people don't believe in God they just don't believe in church. I don't know why churches must have ethics and church boards. I don't know why churches have different beliefs,ain't we serving the same God? I feel like every community should have its own church that every Christian resident attends, that way the will be control and we will avoid pointless competition. Churches must unite not compete,that way more souls will be saved because wherever there is unity there is peace and everybody needs a peaceful place in order for their souls to rest. I don't know why this pastors take credit for the things done by the Lord and we support and encourage them. It's a pity to say that heaven will be filled by sheep's and hell will be filled by shepherds. I don't know why we have to pay them just to have a one on one with them. Most people are denying their selves blessings by being fed false blessings by this fake prophets. Some blessings need you and your God without the third person because they say three is a crowd. Not to forget most artist. Their music is secretly misleading us but we are not taking it to consideration. Most artist are not misleading us by their music they are misleading us by their public appearance. The things they post on their social media pages. It's like this artists don't recognize that their role models to different souls,some souls are easy to get carried away, it's like they don't know that the moment you became well known you don't live for yourself anymore cause there is many souls who desire to be like them. Not to forget most parents. Most parents fear to have talks with their kids. Most parents think that certain talks have a certain age and that's not true,because when they decide to have such talks and warn their kids their kids are already trapped in the dark but they don't recognize it. And most parents tell their kids about the temptations but they don't tell them ways to avoid such temptations, you can't give a student a math memorandum without steps with answers only and expect the student to score 100%. Not to forget this absent fathers. Any fool with a manhood can make a kid but it takes a man with courage to raise a kid. Who do they expect to raise their kids,who do they expect to play their roles. Many kids are lost because of the absence of their fathers in their lives especially boys. How do you expect your kid to be a man if you don't give him or show him the explanation of a man. Most young have boys have dreams that are understood by fathers but those dreams won't succed if there is no support from the father. Not to forget this males who abuse females in front of young males,how do such animals expect those young males to protect young females. You must keep in mind that whatever a child see's you doing today he/she is going to to try it out later or tomorrow. Please think of the innocent soul you are misleading. By doing such disgusting actions in front of young males you are secretively cursing that male and it's up coming generation. Only if the people who were given the responsibility to lead all this lost souls did/do their duties so many souls wouldn't be lost.