

Mystified Love Of August (ch#2)
(Mobile rings^^^^^).........

"who's calling me Early in the morning."

It's a call from from my BFF Aria. We are really close and we both are crazy but she is more girlish then me so a lot of guys admires her the most and i received a lot of proposals for her and everytime it makes me sick to receive proposal for her but i never get jealous of her because it's hard to reject proposals too and she rejects atleast one person everyday but still they never stop admiring her because she is beautiful, elegant, with a good sense of fashion not much in studies but she play's piano and sing too and she is very talented when it. comes to music and that's why everyone loves her a lot.

"what's up dude?" she says in an energetic voice.

"What's wrong with you? why are you calling me Early in the morning? you ruin my sleep." I shout at her she is hearing me silently and replied,

"Are you sick? or your eyesight got weak?" I was wondering why she is saying that,

"Look at the clock idiot, It's already 12 O'clock. Don't you remember?" she said again.

"What?" i replied.

"It's a meet up day of our class. how can you forget that. Alex will pick us at 1pm, Be ready and please do wear something pretty and behave like a girl zain will be there too." she tease me with zain's name because he was the only crush of mine in high school And i always tried to maintain myself in front of him but end up doing something silly everytime.

"Will Alex come to pick me up too? isn't he was angry at me."

we didn't talk since the last week we met at the cafe nor he called me.

"yeah he is angry at you and he don't wanna talk to you at all i told him that we will come on our own then but he said it doesn't matter I can't let you guys come alone. i will not talk but atleast i can drive you both their." she told me what he said to her and he is not childish at all i thought he might behave like a child like he used to do before and will not take us with him.

"woah! he really grown-up that's great. Now let me get ready or i will be late again and then it will make you both angry." i told her while hanging up the phone

" Get lost! selfish bitch." she replied and i hang up at her dialogue. it's our way to end the call because our day can't go well without insulting each other.

I pull out an elegant shining Black frok with a belt to put on my waist. I wear it first time even though i bought it a long time ago but never get the courage to wear it. I put a little make up on and a beautiful pink lipstick given by Aria.

It's already 1pm and i don't even know what kind of shoes should i wear on this dress.

(Car Horn^^^^^^^^^^^^).............

oh no! they are here. Aria will going to scold me again. She come in my room and started to stare at me from head to knees.

"Alessia!!!!!! Why you never listen to me" she shouts at me.

"What i did now? I'm ready as you told me to." I replied to her hesitantly.

"who wears sneaker underneath this type of frok? ohh girl how can you even......, forget it. I have an extra pair of sandals in the car i prepared those for you, i will call Alex to bring them up here." she scold me and then called Alex. In the mean time she helped me set my hair so i can look like a normal girl atleast.

Alex opens the door of my room and he stopped there and started looking at me with a shocking face. It was first time him seeing me in a dress like that with a little make up on my face.

"What are you looking at stupid? Bring those shoe box here." Aria speak to Alex.

"What? Ah! shoe box. Here you go".

he says while giving shoe box to Aria and then he again look at me. I wore Aria's sandal with high heels. It was very difficult for me to wear sandals with heels as i never wore them before.

"How do i look like? Am i looking pretty? Are you falling for me?"

I tease Alex amd stand in front of him. he was looking at me shockingly.

"You? pretty? and me falling for you? never even in your dreams."

Alex replied to me and turned his face and made a disgusting face.

"Well it will be a nightmare if you really fall for me, you are jerk!" I said to him

"We are getting late guys! can you two stop fighting now?" Aria shout at us. She is like an angry bird when she got frustrated by us and It always fun to make her angry.

we sit in the car Alex was in driving seat and me and Aria were in passenger seat.

"Am i your driver girls?" Alex asked us.

"For now i guess you are our driver, now shut up and drive the car. we are already late."

Aria again shouted at him.

"From where i look like your driver? A handsome man like me is just giving you a ride."

he replied to her. I was silent all the way because i was nervous it will be my first time going in a meet up party dressing like that.

we finally reached there. We went in their. Everyone from our class was looking stunning. It's our first meet up party and thanks to god i have such an amazing best friend who got me ready like that so i may look beautiful too. There was another handsome guy from our class who usually sings with Aria and plays guitar very beautifully and he is secretly in love with Aria since the first day he saw her singing and playing piano. His name is Elvis. He came to us and took Aria from us because he wanted to talk to her and we can't tell them not to because the fact is Aria is also secretly in love with him and everyone knows that except them. what should i do now I'm nervous even though all of them are my class fellows but I'm still very nervous. Alex was taken by his friends and i was standing there all alone as i am also waiting for someone to take me but i know that it never going to happen but suddenly I'm seeing two men coming towards me, both wearing black suit coat and they both are looking pretty handsome. Oh wait! one of them is Alex and whose the other Ahhh! it's him; Zain ,my crush. Is it a dream or something.

"Hey! You are looking pretty Alessia." Zain complimented me and then smiled at me.

Ahhhhhh! i think i will die today.

"ohh thaaaan....."

"she? looking pretty? Bro are you serious or you got weak eyesight." He intrupted me.

"Shut up Alex!" I said in Anger.

"Aria wants me I'm going. I will talk to you later zain." i said in a soft voice to zain.

" And you! Get lost." I said in a deep frustrated voice so zain can't hear it.

I was walking and suddenly my ankle turned and i was about to fall but two hands holding both of ky shoulders stop me from falling and those hands was from Alex and Zain. I was being thankful that i didn't fall in front of so many people but i did hurt my ankle.

"why did you even wear sandals when you know you can't Walk in it?" Alex said in Anger.

Zain tried to grab me from my waist so he can help me walk did that before him and it was more comfortable with him because he used to take care of with me when we were kids but it was a little weird that my crush holding me whom i never talked too much in high school.

Alex took me to the chair and help me sit on it. Aria asked everyone to play a game instead of wasting time in talking and roaming around and it will be better for me too as I can't walk properly. Aria suggested a game in which everyone has to tell the meaning of their names and why their parents name them that. I never played this type of game before as it was made my Aria she always come up with some crazy stuff maybe that's why every guy of our class tried to approach her atleast once.

"okay so, Who will go First?" Aria asked everyone but no one answered her.

"ok fine! i will start. My name Aria it means Melody. My mother named me this because she loves music and i love singing too. it's like this name is destined to be mine." said Aria

"Your name is as beautiful as you are and your beautiful voice." Elvis complement Aria.

They are so sweet and the way he is looking at Aria so cute. I wish someone would love me the way he love Aria.

"I will go next. My name is Elvis and the meaning of that word is still unknown but it's the name of a famous singer. He is the king of rock and roll said my everyone and my parents name me Elvis because they are his big fan." said by Elvis in a funnier manner.

"Your name is pretty interesting like you and obviously your playing of guitar." Aria complement Elvis. why are they so good. I wish they end up being together. Now it's my turn.

"My name is Alessia........

"everyone knows that idiot" Alex intrupted me again.

"can't you please keep quiet for a while" I said to Alex and pinched him.

"The meaning of my name is Defending warrior. The reason my parents named me this is because they want me to be a defender for myself and for other." i answered and Alex was again going to intrup in between but i stopped him by pinching him again.Its the only tool of me that works against him.

"As everyone of you knows that I'm handsome Alex and the meaning of my name is Protector of Humankind and here I'm protecting my friend from falling what a name i have Maybe you and i was destined to be friends and we have the almost same meaning of our names. My parents named me Alex because they want their son to be a protector for everyone around him, specially his girl." said Alex. I wonder what kinda girl he may like because since middle school he also got many proposals from beautiful girls and actually i was always the one who used to takes everyone's proposals to him and he used to ignored them.

Now it's zain's turned i am dying to know the meaning of his name

"It's Zain and my name means Beauty or grace and i don't know the exact reason why my parents named me this."

said by zain and afterwards each and every one of our class tell the meaning of their names. After the games we talked a lot and then had a meal. Now it's time to go back Zain was continuously looking at me in the whole party and was asking me how i am feeling do i need anything or not. He is so kind. He come to help me and asked me if I need a ride but thank God Alex come again at the right time to pick me up and i excuse Zain as i was embarrassed.
© Soul🥀