

James was disturbed, he was sweating, he continued to speak with his left hand holding Celine and his right hand holding the knife. "I kill you! You killed my father, because of your stupid love you have for me! I KILL YOU TODAY!". James raised the knife and tried to stab Celine. Before he could stab her, a woman's voice was heard saying, "Please James stop! Don't kill Celine because she was not your biological father but just raised you". After saying that, James dropped the knife and let go of Celine, then turned and looked at the woman, then asked her "who are you woman? And what do you know? How can you tell me she wasn't my biological father?". The woman began to cry and say "James I am your mother ..... After the death of your father, my life was very difficult. Then I decided to ask the man to raise you because he was financially capable. Forgive me my son .... Mother I'm back ...... ". All the people were amazed. Celine also moved in front of Yale's mother to ask her, "Mom, did you know this? Tell me now". Celine's mother said, "Your father and I loved each other very much. Also when your father went to school he left me pregnant, so all these years we never saw each other but I was confident he would come back. That's your father and you killed him today! to explain but you just made your own decisions! ". Celine cried out, "What can I do now! I killed my father for James! I'm stupid! I have no idea! Why! Why! Why! What decision should I make! ". James, hearing this, said, "you!you!you! Who do you need? I don't need a murderer anymore.