

"Trust me" Part 1
"Not again, Karan, you are always late!!" Simron was shouting on Karan once again. "Why doesn't he simply break up from her. She keeps shouting at him for everything" said Kriti in an angry tone, looking at them from the other side of the coridoor. "Karan deserves that! He thinks he is the most dashing guy in the whole city and keeps bossing around everyone. Its only Simron who can teach him a lesson. Anyways come on! I don't have time to waste I am going to library if you want to come, then come" said Abha heading to library. But Kriti ignored her. Obviously anything related to Karan was more interesting than those books in library for Kriti.

She had crush on Karan since the first day of the college but Karan fell for Simron. She was famous in college for her fashoin sense whereas Kriti was no match for her she was good only in music. Anyways she got a friend- Abha, she was very serious about the studies and was always busy with reader's club work.

It was starting of september and preparation of inter college fest started on full swing. Abha was reading notices on the notice board, when Karan and his gang bumped on her. She turned and said "Sorry". Karan was a bit suprised by this behaviour. "You know what? Girls from DSC come for this fest to our college and man they look so hot!" one of the guy in that gang said. Abha felt uneasy and she left. Karan was still looking at her go. " Hey Karan, what man?"asked Yuvi. "You shouldn't have said that, she was here, listening to you, what she might be thinking of us?" "Hey you alright?" "Never mind. What do you think, which event you'll participate? I'll go for drama.." "I don't know man. Let me see"

That evening they had audition for drama. Karan was there on time. Audition haven't started yet. He saw Abha sitting there in one corner with some book in her hand, reading something very seriously. Drama in-charge came she gave everyone a paper and said that they'll have to act and show their skill. She explained the scene to them. And the audition started, Karan was a bit nervous. He gave his performance and sat back he thought that he has done well but then saw Abha and wondered 'She doesn't seem to be a good actor. But the way she is reading the script it seems that she is going to kill it today. Let me see how good she is.' Finally it was Abha's turn. After her performance everyone were stunned. The in-charge then cleared her throat and said "See, I'll give you these dialogue, act this scene and then I'll decide" and explained her the scene. The drama committee people were busy discussing. Karan heard them. 'She is brilliant yaar! But I don't want to give her the heroine's role. That's fixed for Arti, she fits the role perfectly. We can choose her for the negative role. Even that role's demanding.' After 10 minutes Abha was called and she acted her scene with the same perfection she did the previous one. The in-charge stood up "So finally I have decided the cast. We'll start the practice from tomorrow"
Karan was selected as hero, Arti as heroine and Abha was given the negative role.
After the audition when Karan came out Yuvi was there "Hey Karan, how was the audition?" "Oh it went well. I am selected for the led role. And you what Abha is selected for the negative role. Man I never knew she was such a good actor." "Leave that, Simron is fuming. You said you'll take her out today!" "Shit man, I completely fogot that! See you later then!"saying this Karan hurried to Simron. On the way, he again bumped to Abha. The books she was carrying, fell down still she didn't say him anythung except sorry. He was shoked at this and after Abha went he was still standing there and wondering.
"Karan, again!" he turned back to see Simron going red all over with anger.

To be continued