

It's time of late Summer, i would like to stay at hostel rather prefered to go home on vacation.
New to this place and more curious to know more little about it.I ever studied about haunted place never seen in practical.
Still Villagers bared to visiting after evening this site but who will listen them?As we planned accordingly to visit nearest haunted mansion with the help of our security.
When we entered the place suddenly I feel a strange silence just roaring.
we thought it would be our illusion at the beginning.Our footsteps headed towards the mainson with lots of expectations and collect little more knowledge about paranormal activity.
As the mansion was so dark, since long we barely to see each other without help of mobile torch.Dont know when all split up in between.
After Sometimes I found myself alone feeling little awkward still in search. Certain distance I felt chill in summer season and I call everyone's name but no response with a half patience again headed towards a room i
saw a hanging shadowy corpse with its throat slit in the hallway. I was freaked out and ran towards terrace. The sounds of children's voices, falling lamps, moving ladders and flying objects i heared.After that felt someone punched me to down.
Then I don't anything else..
When I opened my eyes, i was found myself in a hospital.
When I was asking about my friends, they said they are nomore still the crime remain mystery.