

One day a lil boy was looking at a cycle
And all of a sudden
Cycle started speaking to that lilboy-
Hey lilboy, why r u looking at me??
Lilboy :
Yesterday, My Dad said to me that to learn something
from the things around you. So I don't know wthat do
learn from U..
Can you please tell me?
Cycle :
Lilboy, jus listen to the words which I said to u and remember..
Lilboy :
Yaa I'll for sure
Cycle :
I'm having wheels which turns around and moves forward..
And what I want to tell u is,
when u lifes truns, it gives a chance to move forward but not jus to think of the past and cry...
That's it...
" Life turns to make U move forward always "
Lilboy :
Smiled and ran to his dad
Dad I learned something today he said.
Lilboy's Dad :
My boy, whatever u learnt today is jus not to leave and only to remember always...
And kissed him..
And the story begins...!

-The End-