

forgotten soul
once soon a time there was a girl who was born to nothing. Parents who didn't protect there child. this girl felt so worthless and unwanted. Love she always wanted . Yet love she never had. she often wondered whould anyone notice or care if she just disappeared . probably not cause she had no family . she had no friends. She only ever felt pain and sorrow. Blessed with 5 kids she was never destined to raise. The first one she was to young so made a hard choice to let someone else raise her . the second God took back to heaven. The third social services stole without just cause. her youngest son and daughter were used against her like they were weapons. Her kids were her kryptonite. she would do whatever she had to for their happiness . even give up her own happiness. Just to be in their life she endured alot . the person being the puppet master was cruel and mean. she endured abuse of all kinds. physical abuse , Mental abuse and Sexual abuse just to be in their lives. the puppet master knowing that she would do anything to not be absent as her parents were. He utilized that weakness to benefit him anyway he wanted . she finally is at the point she can't endur no more . Her children happiness is what matters most to her but she can't take it anymore. she's on the verge of falling of the cliff to fall deep into a darkness she can't come back from. she ready to quit and give into the empty dark hole that's been getting bigger and bigger. soon it's gonna swallow her up and then she will just disappear. would anyone even notice or care. how quickly she will be forgotten by her family the puppet master, her little friends . only remember by those amazing babies she tried so hard to be strong enough to do everything to ensure there happiness. yet in the end she wasn't strong enough for them . wasn't able to give them all the love and happiness she didn't get. she failed them in the end. in the darkness she vanished forever gone soon forgotten.
© Cassie keliie