

Inspiration at Breakfast
A crazy day today, one of chaotic scenes, total dismay from our guests at seemingly a lack of coordination and deliberate action.

A simple task with sincere and intentional politeness, gave way to some honest criticism and generous inspiration.

How To Win Friends And Influence People;
I'm not sure if that American man who described our homemade muesli as divine, read the above masterpiece. Yet there was a deep sincerity in his words, I cannot forget such reflection.

As he began his remarks into the state of decay in The American Dream, by saying it has gone to crap.

Living in The Great US of A has left him for wanting more.

And in fact stating that he prefers to move here to Ireland. Maybe not Cork but maybe Killarney or Killkenny. I thought was that a silly American blunder mistakingly naming a place of his travels.

I guess they are both similarly the same distance to Cork so depending on his travel route it could be both.

"If you continue to make it this good I will take you home with me."
I replied; "I would like to be there."

Our little exchange soon ended as I was busy at work, but just before moving on. This kind man said;
"Things will get better for you soon, Have A Nice Day."

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