

Human curiosity has always posed a question, why this Life? and what after this life? Independent minds got their way through. But the mere imitators became the prey of frivolous philosophies, diverting their mind and rephrased the question, How to enjoy this life? and how to save future? completely neglecting death.

A man fears the end, because he knows once he was nothing and hence fears to be nothing again, but this ignorance is a foolish move taken to escape the question. Rather being an intellectual being, He must know, if existence is truth, then surely cause of existence must be truth. Nothing is independent in universe, every effect is dependent on a cause and the ultimate cause of everything is god, our Intellect is obliged to question, who is behind this marvellous creation and its operation day and night. what is beyond our calculation is just simply a will of god, no tiredness, drowziness or sleep overtakes him in managing all affairs of universe.

We see and investigate on creation (material world) and pose theories, concluding with fine reasoning, that everything is perfect and has purpose to be on its place, similarly we are on earth with all resources needed to survive, How can death be nothing and meaningless?

We learned energy cannot be created nor be destroyed, but can be transformed, so how this spiritual energy of body can be destroyed. which inturn Implies the transformation of soul to next world.

As a consequence of negligence of death, This life became a blind race runnning for material wealth and power, which led to selfishness and diseases like pride and envy captured our heart.

But the human desire and whims are the elements preinstalled in nature, and Nature cannot be changed rather can be diverted, as said by great muslim scholar Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah, "Man agrees to give up a thing only when he is provided with a substitute thereof" and that, "Prophets are raised up to evolve and to improve human nature, and not to change it.

So what we crave in this life is the merit in next life in return of your deeds, as a substitute to your patience in this life is paradise in next, and substitute of evil desires is the hell in next life. substitute to justice is reward in next life, Substitute to injustice is punishment in next life. The recognition good and evil is intrinsic in nature, so we are accountable for what we do, All abstract things will take form of physical scale of weighing deeds.

So I urge you to question again, why this life, what after this life, and I recommend to read quran as it is a message to all mankind, a warning to ignorants and a challenge to deniers.

© AnasHusain