

Mmabatho was married to Tshidiso Mmutla who was a king in Putshaditjhaba in Free State. Mmabatho was the second wife and she doesn't have a baby so Tshidiso got married to another woman now he has three wives.Today the family found out that Mmabatho was pregnant so they had to follow their traditional by asking the ancestors the gender of the baby and make a ceremony.Tshidiso and his mother Maneho entered the room and asked the traditional healers (sangomas),They said "ngwana wa lona e tloba moshemane' Tshidiso was happy but the traditional healers also said"e tloba sehole' Tshidiso began to be angry as they told he will have a disable boy so he told Mmabatho to kill the baby.Mmabatho was crying because she had to do it but as a wife but as a mother to be she thought to ran away.In the morning Tshidiso woke up and he went to Mmabatho's room but she wasn't there ,she left the note she ran way.Mmabatho went to Gauteng were she met David.Mmabatho was in a foreign province she didn't know anyone so there was a rain David saw Mmabatho and took her to his house.David was a father to a daughter Lethabo who her mother died two years ago so she was living with her father only. Mmabatho lived there and David know what happened to Mmabatho and she is pregnant but still he got married to her. Today was the best day Mmabatho was in labour and she gave birth to a boy Mmabatho asked David to give him a name then David said"Thato Ofentse Mofokeng"that was the baby's name. The few years has passed as Thato is 6 years old and he couldn't talk or walk but he can hear and see so everyone in the neighbourhood was hating him no one wanted to play with him but except Neo who her mother and sister was the ones who made the neighbourhood to hate Thato. Today Neo took Thato to the park and everyone told her some bad about Thato, telling her that if she plays with disabled people she will be like that but she said"ke batla ho ba sona"she said to them she wanted to be like that she loved Thato.Lethabo was loved her brother she didn't want anything to happen to her brother, she was was teaching him how to communicate and helping him with homework and Thato was very intelligent. Elven years later Thato had to go to University but he was not accepted and he tried but he couldn't because he was disable so he was home everyday even David tried to please his bosses but they denied to help him.Neo went to America to study further so her mother was laughing at Thato as he was alone no was there for him as Lethabo was in China and Neo was in America so Thato was always indoors and his mother and father tried very hard to help him so Thato had a talent to write Poems,he was writing about him and his family.8 years later, Thato was coming back from the shop he saw Neo,he was happy to see him and they hugged but Neo was not alone"this is my fiance Chris." said Neo. Thato was hurt because he loves Neo,so he went to tell Lethabo"you must fight for your woman"said Lethabo as she was a mother and she was married. Neo's wedding was finalized but Thato had to tell him that he loves her"I love you"said Thato.Neo just kissed him and they had a romantic night.In the morning Thato was waiting for the answer"I love Chris and I am going to marry him"said Neo to Thato. Thato was very hurt but he had to accept.There was a competition about who was a best poetry so the winner was going to win 30 million and a poetry company so Thato entered and also Chris.When Thato went to additional people were laughing but he made to tops and Nteboheng Neo's mother told her she should focus on Chris not Thato so Thato and Chris were winning the top until they reached to top two"the top two winners are Chris Johnson and Thato Mofokeng.Mofokeng family was happy so Chris had no ideas for the poems so he said to Neo"Please go and steal Thato's poem for me
Neo didn't want to that but she had to do it"Chris is right go and steal them"said Nteboheng so Neo went and steal Thato's poem.Today is the of the final top so Thato 's poem that he wrote about Neo was replaced by a bad poem.Thato started and the judges were shocked and angry because the poem was very bad talking about them badly.Thato was so embarrassed because he lost his favourite poem so Chris went the stage and Neo heard a poem about her ,it was emotional and everyone cried .So the audience made their votes"so the winner is..............."said the host"please stop"said Neo.Everyone was shocked as Neo told everyone everything afterwards Neo fainted so the paramedics arrived they checked her"she is pregnant"said the paramedic "how come she be pregnant because we never had sex"asked Chris"I am pregnant with Thato' child"said Neo . Everyone was shocked but Thato won and everyone was happy so Mofokeng family went to the stage, Mmabatho's biggest fear happened Tshidiso was watching the competition and he saw that his son won.So Tshidiso went to Gauteng and he went to Mmabatho.
Mmabatho: come in
Tshidiso:my son
Thato was shocked and Mmabatho told him every thing and Tshidiso wanted Thato."Tshidiso you're my father by blood and I think Mmabatho killed your disable child because my surname is Mofokeng not Mmutla so please go "said Thato
Everyone came and apologised to Thato and he got married to Neo had a baby girl named Lerato means Love and Thato built a big house for his parents and mother in law while she bought his sister a car and his company was dealing about disable people and he was making money while Tshidiso wishes to change the words he said to Mmabatho
People should learn that we are the same don't mind the skin and the difference as long as we made by one person GOD. People let love Albinos Disables and foreigners were are the same.
Thank you
I love you all❤️💕❣️❤️❤️😍😘🤩