

the 3 idiots can sometimes be four! pt. 3
kindly avoid if there's any grammatical errors :)

during sixth grade, after all the admissions and half the syllabus were over, there came a new girl. she was a shy, introverted kinda girl. me and my first best friend were in the first bench. and she was in the last. slowly, we four got along. we had so fun together until the covid came. then I changed schools in 8th grade, and those three? sticked together. I thought we were never going to be together ever again. forwarding to my first day at 11th grade, I saw a girl who I couldn't believe it was. it was her. I prayed SO MUCH that we should end up in the same class. and we did! who would have ever thought that we would would meet again. I was a.. knucklehead. SUPER careless, very absent minded. the way she took care of me, scolding me because I'm always careless, texting me to remind me of my homeworks knowing that I'll forget. I was always a chatty person. her being her always listening to my idiotic talks. ALWAYS. even when the teacher is looking right at us. how many times we bunked class together, how many times we played and we were for each other. never in my dreams I thought I'd see her again. but here we are still sticking together and we always will. <3