

dick basham
yeah I know it's one guy back in the orange world 81 this dude just like to put his dick in her thing you like the b**** with a eating boogers and everything but I didn't one day's dick became strange saw some guacamole juice out that s*** Green goblin like Spider-Man at this b**** and the dick could not bash them b****** cuz the dick had to be on hold he went to the m************ other apartment and then the mother f***** put a big ass long q-tipping his pee hole and it cried and it hurt so bad cuz it killed his pride big bathroom could never ride but he always stayed on a m************ East side b**** how easy maybe they should happen to the day cuz you told me my dick was going to be f***** up with some battery ass up so whatever I love you too still bye 😍

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