

Ann being disabled is a real disappointment to her, her being able before. Her mother is trying hard to boost her confidence again means the world to Ann. That's how most families are they love one another help each other. This man on the Express has her captivated and she think that she knows him but she's not sure. She told her mom that she'll let her know if she knew him the next ride on the Exspress.
On Monday she has no other appointments except the one with Dr Billing. It's been months since her boyfriend left her and now those interests has turned to this man on the train.
Who wouldn't have fantasies about a sweet looking man on the sound a train makes.
He's ideal her thoughts went strong and smooth not too selfie.
Her mind would stop, he stands there like that wall would fall if he leaned off of it. When she first saw Prance that big black horse it was him he came to mind. Those jeans fitting like skin her seeing crease by crease of the man form, in the not well lit train not exactly dark but shadowy in places.
Me being the able Ann that I was I would have been asked him, what's those looks for and what he plan to do for them. Disabled or not I'd like to take my hand and run it from the calf up the thigh that'en he got cocked in front she thought.
Pin his behind to that train and make him beg me to stop.
No it's not right for me to be thinking like that me being human I ought to be shame of myself, cause dont no woman think like that. Ann's mind was so hot on'em she had a headache. One thing is for sure she is captivated by him and he knew it.
He get over there place his hands up the wall flexing his hind quarters like Prance just to make me watch he know what hes doing she said to herself.
This was Saturday and Monday just wasn't coming fast enough for Ann nice she thought very nice.
He better no let this one leg fool'em iain't going to rehab for nothing I can hop around with the best of'um when I get finish he'll think this one leg was two.
Sunday was a restful day her and her mom walked to the city park for exercise. More than that she needed distractions to keep her mind off of Mr.Prance.
There was a T-ball game going on on the north side of the park Ann's dad was coaching so they stayed to watch. He spotted them and ran over to them. Hey babe, he said kissing her mom with all the love his heart held. Cutting in hi dad Ann said waving her hand at him. Hey baby don't let your mother ware you out he said leaving not wanting to let go of her mom. That's what I want Ann said, what ? That, that you and dad have it's nice. You hardly see love like yours anymore
that kind is rare she said. I see the way dad looks at you the kisses the way he touch you it's hard to find. It's hard to keep her mom said. It take work Ann he wasn't always like this not at first she said that took some doing. When I was carrying you I put on weight because the doctor said I needed to. After I had you I didn't lose it and he got distant for a minute.
I had a hard time regaining his attention but I started to work out. Started walking but he was going out with the guys leaving me home with you. But all that stopped when I got a babysitter and started going out too. Not with him but with the girls getting attention from other men. One night I got ready to go he looked at me what i was wearing and said let's stay tonight. We haven't been out since. You look good too mom Ann said. See we talk we let each other know what we like and don't like. Things like what we want and don't want is what keep us talking. He didn't like to talk until I started whispering to love making.
Sweetheart once the sharing stops everything get distant love slows down. Don't be with a man that you can't talk to and don't be scared to let him know what you want. It starts out sweet but you have to work hard to keep it sweet
You noticed the touch and kisses that's because I told him to.
What do you mean Ann said, I told him to show me how he feel
make me feel it.
I try to make sure that he feel how I feel about him it's nice. Ann mind fell on the man on the train. After the game they walked home
her mom and dad holding hands.

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