

I didn't choose you.

My heart did.

It was 5 in the morning and I was awake.
I didn't sleep all night.

Yesterday, doctor informed us all that Devin needs to undergo an operation for his legs. It costs a huge amount of money, almost $50,000.

Now, initially my worry was about the money. From where will I get this money, how, all possibilities of getting this huge amount were running in my head.
But I don't need to worry about that anymore.
All thanks to Maria.

On one side, I was really grateful for her to have done that but in the other I didn't want her to. She did this all saying"we're a family now, let me handle. You have nothing to worry about." with a kind smile on her face.

By this she gave me a lot more to worry about. I couldn't just say to her now that, " Hey, Maria. It's all good that you helped me in orphanage situation and now paid for Devin's operation too but the thing is I can't marry your son and I know you think of me as family but I can't be your family so yeah, that's just it. Also, i will pay you back for the operation in .... in 10 years.. maybe? So don't feel bad , okay."

Did I mention, she also bought the orphanage land from Mark.
Isn't she just great? ( Note the sarcasm)
Ohh god!!!!
Why? Why ? Why!!!!

I don't know what am I gonna do!

All different thoughts were going through my mind when one particular caught my interest.

Why didn't I think of it before?
Definitely, yes.
Now I know what I have to do.
Thank you god!
For giving me such a good idea!
Also, I'm a genius too, I patted myself on the shoulder. Good work Scar.

It was evening now. And Devin's operation went well.
He's being kept at the hospital for a few days, almost a week and then he'll be discharged. I went to see him in the noon. He was asleep.

I was sitting at the window side seat of the corner booth in the café nearby waiting for that stupid handsome silencer.

What should I start with?
How should my face expression be? Should it be arrogant like tho...
Wait, how does an expression is arrogant? Is it eyes narrowed and having a deadpan, unengaged look? Or crossing arms and looking around instead of him?
Anyway, I guy I'll just give my irresistible careless look. That'd be good.

Now, you must be wondering,
What the heck is happening? What is she talking about? Arrogant? Arms crossed?

I know. I know.
I was preparing for the execution of my plan. I called Xander to meet me today.
I'll show him how unfit to marry him I am by being annoying, whiny and bratty.
I'm sure he'll immediately say no to this marriage. Wow! Scar, you little not so innocent creature!

The door of the café opened and in came he.
All the noise silenced in the café.
Girls were looking at him with dreamy eyes and guys looked at him in envy.
I have to admit, he did look a bit..... satisfying but it wasn't a big deal.
Really? No big deal? Then why were you also looking at him continuously without even a blink?

Maybe, he was looking more than satisfying. But that's it.
I need to make him mad at me. So he'll back out from the marriage.

Sooo, here comes my plan.

He was looking around to find...me?
Oh, he just did.

He came straight toward me and sat down at the opposite side.
How rude! Didn't even ask before sitting.

I also ignored him.
A whole one minute passed.
I pretended to be busy on my phone.
I could feel his eyes on me.
But seeing as I was the one who asked him meet, so I should say something.

"Oh, hey.
I didn't notice you sitting here. How long have you been sitting?" I started.

He just looked straight into my eyes.
It seemed as if he could read everything on my mind right now.
"Not long enough. You can complete whatever you were apparently doing.
It's not like I don't have all the time in the
world. Afterall, I'm just the owner of a billion dollar multinational company, right?"

Sarcasm. Sarcasm. Every word dripped of sarcasm. He's sooo annoying.
First he didn't say anything and now he doesn't shut up. Stupid Silencer!

"Well, I apologize, your highness. Please forgive me.
Because of me, your one whole minute
was wasted." I retorted back only to have him return a cold glare of his.

"What did you call me here for?" He finally asked after an intense glare competition which I might say lasted only for a minute.

I smirked to myself internally.

"Let's order something first" I suggested.

We both have our orders. I ordered the most expensive one on the menu making sure he saw to make him know marrying me is so bad for him, I'll probably drain him of his money.

"I just thought that since you know, we are getting married, we should get to know each other a little. Don't you think?"

He considered this for a moment and then nodded his head.
"I agree."

So one thing you should know about me is I love shopping. I go for shopping almost thrice every weak. I like to buy things that pleases my eyes even though I have no use or need of them. This last time, I bought a fancy but funky bag with neon pink fur on it. Although I know, I'm not going to use it, I still bought it. They looked quite good at the store but not anymore. I threw it away....."

I could see he wanted to say something but not getting a chance to say anything was getting on his nerve.
Yes! That's the plan. Irritate him. Don't let him talk. From experience, I know talkative people who don't let other person speak annoys the most. Especially it annoys the highest to a quiet person which this stupid Silencer already was.

"Also, you know, I love throwing parties.
The grand ones with glittering lights and everything shiny. Since Maria told me about your house, now I can throw balls too. I've always wanted to hold those masquerade balls, aren't those great, right?"

My plan was going pretty well.
I remember Maria told me how girls are after his money and status only. I'm sure seeing me like this, he'll definitely back off.

He was unsuprisingly silent for a few minutes, just looking at me. He seemed to be deep in thoughts.
Maybe he's thinking of how to tell me that he doesn't want to marry now.
Yes, that's exactly what he might be thinking. I hope so at least.

He turned his head and suddenly looked back at me.

"They are great. I'm glad you could already find a use of my mansion." He replied cooly without any expression on his face.

Wait... whaat?
He isn't responding correctly. And by correctly I mean how I want him to reply,
That is by getting irritated and ...ugh.. I don't know...

I tried to not show the emotions I was feeling inside on my face.

"Oh, well. Great, you share my feelings then."

I waited a little, then,
"I had a lot of boyfriends before. But none of it was anything serious, you know."

He nodded his head again.
Now, I was getting irritated by his stupid nodding.

"I don't do serious relationships." I again said.

"Didn't" He spoke.


"You didn't do serious relationships before. Now you do." He explained raising his left eyebrow.

It took a full minute for the meaning of his words to register in my mind.
Oh! Yeah, how can I forget about this marriage?

I took a deep breath.
"So... How many girlfriends you had before? Or ... You might still have?
You can tell me you know. And if due to your this relationship if you want to cancel the marriage, I'm totally fine with it. I mean we don't know each other. What's the point of marrying, right?
Oh, but you should tell Maria though.
About the cancellation of wedding."
I said with a tentative smile on my face.

Please! Please say that you have someone in your life ... please... please say ...
And that you don't want to marry me...

He regarded me for a moment.
"I never had one."

"What again?"

"I never had ...any...girlfr..a female partner." He cleared his throat.

So you had a male partner.
Hmm.. it's alright. I don't judge. That's great. All the more reason for not to marry, right? You should tell Maria."
I was happy. Great! He already has a reason and I was uselessly putting so much effort.. phew! Stupid me!

He looked as if someone choked him.
He eyes wide and looking straight at me like I just confessed that I murdered that sweet, nice guy around the corner.
That guy is really nice though. And no, I haven't actually murdered him.

"No. I did not have any male partner too.
I did not have any kind of relationship with anyone." He explained sternly.

Oh, poor me..
He's not gay. Geez! Now I again have to do so much to stop this thing

Okay... So what should I say now? Or do?

With a mischievous smile on my face,
That means you are a virgin?"

© Asterin

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