


Lady:I captured your tantalising aura with my belly of emotions

Man:You threw a bone at me;l spontaneous followed you home like a loyal dog

Lady. Your allegiances mortared me into a sudden halt, a suddenness of contested underestimation.

Man.We started as a smouldering flare now am engulfed in a wildfire of liberating and ravenous flames of passionate desire

Lady.You serenaded me into your bliss how will I not be enchanted by your charms; yours was one of its own believable kind ,

Man.You put my heart on a tether with that authentic yet unorthodox smile that burns my soul like auspicious rays from a satisfactory summer dawn

Lady.Like a child with a pack of candy my face beams with joy, you propelled me to lift my guard as I dissect in endless possibilities of my very own escapades

Man.Your mellifluous voice is like a soothing harp that resurrected buried skeletons of decaying love into a mould of miraculous flesh

Lady.Ohh Beautiful stranger your gaze is like a blaze of fire that burns the stubborn residue of my yesterday pain.May I not awake from this dream if at all it is such.

Man.You have a steel hold on my mind now my thoughts are tantamount to a perpetual flow like a riverbed slithering to a gallery of your images that annexed my museum of rationality

Lady.Ration in this case is elusive my vulnerability just staged it's presence at the prospect of an amusement with which your rareness has neared to my proximity

Man.You are a genuine portray of rare art that cannot be contained with flowery Shakespearian poetic words in their highest proficiency

Lady.In my collection of best,l find none to describe your spontaneous attributes which are knitted together with this glare of fabulousness.Allow me to say oh beautiful stranger how popular you have become in this heart of mine

Man.My love for you has enslaved my being like a pious Irish devote shackled with chains of torturous faith;an eternal bliss of comforting madness

Lady.For long my love screamed “unshackle me”, then you came and rescued me from the imprisonment of loneliness. I thrived on my hope of rejuvenation and like a miracle you discovered me,
and into your arms I rest my body

Man.l will capitulate at your behest even if my mortality is fragile gift.like Icarus I will fly to the sun and vanquish its blaze so that only you can shine.

Lady.In the firmament where the stars gather,I believe my name and yours are written and so have we aligned.I have for the very first time since heartache befriended me,felt this hurricane of feelings which I don't know their source and yet you are the reason why I feel this way.

Man.Mirror mirror,am I a fortunate wanderer lost in the maze of her topography that inebriate my soul with invisible,yet intoxicating charms that overly replenish my heart with joy?

Lady.Even if I'm to be prey,I feel fortunate enough to have been wanted by this charming beast-called you.In your grip I illuminate the fascinations which brings me from offshore.
In your rage of affection,I find myself hedged and protected.

Man.Your kiss is an ecaspism,a bundle of therapeutical bliss that massage my soul with its touch,obliterating the impurities that shadow my happiness with endless abysmal terror and despair.I was a captive in the glass cage of this deceptive world of anguish,
only to stumble into your paradise of unimaginable beauty that I willingly kowtow to in unquestionable servitude.I am trying to run for the hills because l fear it won't last,but am on a treadmill that tire my feet but not going anywhere.

Lady.The shiver that your lips gives when they meet mine is resoundingly indescribable.The softness of them are like a cotton candy that caresses the corners of my lips before going full throttle.

Man.Is this a Romeo and Juliet tale being reconstructed in a different synopsis yet of familiar ending?Are we happy in a pond like fish under the illusion of conquering the seas?
lf l am bereft of your companionship l will be a demented lunatic destined for the mad house.You are the only oil that calms my troubled waters.

Lady.Freedom is clustered with unforeseen events,the bunnies in their den looks for a sun and are lured by its brightness.If this is us,l am surely defying gravity.The titanic will resurface.

Man.Your words are fertilization to this budding dream birthed from a profound union that defies the confinements of the grave and the ultimate separation of the flesh.

Written by luis Rupende and
