

Today, I want to express my heartfelt praise and salute for all the humans in this world.
Not those who are driven by their ego or greed or hatred.
Real humans.
Humans with Humanity.
It's astonishing how hard it is today to find humanity in humans.
Bombs, Missiles, Fighting, War, Genocide.
Palestine, Kashmir, Balochistan, Ukraine, and all others I don't even know about.
People killing People.
Humans killing Humans.
Theft, Calumny, Ruthlessness.
People hurting People.
Humans hurting Humans.
Yet still...
There are people to whom humanity does mean something. They are everywhere. Even in oppressive nations.
They are quite; voices suppressed and drowned by the roars of ferocity of this world.
the purity, the love, the earnest desire to do good that radiates from them like light radiates from the sun and even their tiniest gestures become the reason that
Someone Smiles.
Someone's life is saved.
Humanity Lives!❤️
They are like stars shining in the darkness, illuminating someone's night, someone's life.
let's be like them.
let's be a blissful rain in someone's desert of life.
let's be a pumping heart in someone's lifeless body.
let's do some good.
let's think a little about others too.



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