

Broken heart & cheaters
before when I was class 7th I got the new friend known as Priya. According to her behaviour it was like she was mostly ignoring me & sharing all my secrets to others I know that I was on the true love so I ignored it & she left me after few months as she found a new friend better than me my heart broked so the other girl supported me as friend named she was really a good person she supported me but the problem was if I did not listened to her she was literally saying 'cut friendship' & at this lockdown see ignored all my messages from past few days I liked her I was one of the soft & kind hearted girl so I did not brak up after a month at just this night I understood that any one can cheat. My sister always says me as 'do not share any secrets to anyone because 1 day the day arrives with the broken heart". So I didn't shared anything to my bestie about my secrets. Because after brake up every one will hate them and share their secrets so do not share your secracts to any one because no one knows the future. & I even my bf was a cheater (╯︵╰,) so the warning is don't believe on any one till you test them but still don't share any of your secrets because if it got published then you need to feel ashame
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