

Short Scary Stories
A woman in the 1920s was a dollmaker and an elementary teacher her obsession with making the dolls look realistic led to her cutting chunks of hair out of her students and eventually skinning her daughter for one of her dolls

The Necronomican is a cursed book that's said to contain the power to resurrect the dead roughly translated its title means “ An image of the law of the dead” and its described as being bound in human skin

A women who resembled a mannequin walked into a hospital with nothing but a bloody gown and a bloody kitten in her mouth when doctors came to inspect her she ripped into them with her razor sharp teeth a doctor asked “What are you?” then she said “ I am God”

A creature found on a Texas farm in 2014 scientists and experts believe it is a mutant/ evolved specimen many of the legendary chupacabra

Ana Michel spent almost a year confined to her bed as catholic priests performed dozens of demonic spirits by the time she was dead the 23 year old weight 68lbs had two broken knees and coudnt walk on her own

My family can remember their past lives so one day i told my son i was a girl and was murdered he grinned and said “ What are the odds wed meet again”