

Gift from the gods.
The discovery was mind blowing by most standards. I mean who unearths an Egyptian mummy after so many centuries?
"Dr.Hima! "
I turn surprised by my assistant's shout. His wide, frightened eyes stare back at me. "What is it, Ron?"
He points at the corner of the mummy's coffin. "That's dried blood, Dr. I think there's someone else in there with that mummy."

I sight, wondering if Ron's imagination got out of hand... Again. While my assistant had an eye for archeology and was quick at his job, he had a worrying interest for science-fiction.

I make my way toward my assistant. Thanks to a bad knee, I had to send him down to check on the sarcophagus. Little did I know the lid was damaged and would start to open while we were trying to bring the whole thing up.
By the time I get next to Ron, the poor lad is shaking in fear.
I come closer and soon enough my blood feels like chunks of ice. Inside the sarcophagus is a monstrosity. The mummy's bandages are spotted with dried blood. We can see some fingers sprouting from its chest.
We force the lid wide open. As I stand there, in chock, Ron's stomach empty itself, unable to withstand the horror in front of us.
The mummy's body is intertwined with the body of a man, as if the mummy was consuming each cells one by one, slowly digesting, absorbing every sign of life.
I brace myself and approach, hoping this vision would be a mirage. A collective hallucination... Nothing more.
The closer I go, the more my brain fight the unnerving chaos before me.
The second body is more recent, modern clothing, definitely... but the body looked mummified, drained of all fluids and half inside the mummy's corpse. Then I noticed the head; something was wrong, really wrong. The mummy was holding the corpse's head tight against its chest.
My scholar brain's curiosity pushes me to reach for those.
Suddenly, a scream wakes me up from this mesmerized state. I cover my ears as the scream gets louder and louder. The note is so high, so painful that our ears starts to bleed. I mutter enough willpower to open my eyes and look around me, hoping to find the source and make it stop. Ron is unconscious, ears, eyes and nose bleeding. Some of the employees are still standing, holding for dear life. Then I saw it... The body, trying to escape the mummy's embrace. Shaking and screaming, unable to escape. The mummy's eyes, I swear, start to glow. The embrace tightens and soon enough the scream turn into a soft muffled noise.
The world around me is collapsing, a headache is shutting down my vision and everything start to disappear.

"Dr Hima? Dr Hima?"
I try to open my eyes. The light is too bright, everything is spinning. I hear a gentle voice and feel a soft touch.
I ear some shouting, the hand on my forearm feels heavier. There is a commotion; I can feel some movements and hear strange noises.
I let my eyes adjust to the environment; everything looks blurry. I feel heavy...

"Dr Hima? Can you hear me?"
"Where... am... I?"
"Dr Hima, I am the Dr El-Shenawy. You are at the hospital. Do you remember what happened? Do you have any recollection of the events?"
"My memories are strange... I don't feel right."
She is wearing a complete suit. The type I've only seen in movies. I try to move away. She looks at me gently.
"Dr Hima... what do you remember last?"
"I... I was reading... I think... a papyrus... at my desk."
"We found you near a sarcophagus. Do you remember going down on the site?"
My head suddenly hurt. My heart rate increase and I start to shake in fear. I have some flashes, strange horrifying flashes.
"Ron! Where is Ron?! The mummy... the mummy, something is wrong with that thing! And everyone?! Where are the workers? " I keep on shouting, unable to calm down.
"Dr Hima, Ron is fine, he isn't awake yet, but his condition is stable. Everyone is safe."
I look at her, trying to understand if she is telling the truth. I saw it after all.
"Ron is fine, so please, calm down. Did something happen with the mummy? What do you mean something is wrong with it? Do you think it was some gas that caused the state you are in? And old poison?"
"The body! Did you see the body with the mummy? That thing was eating someone alive!"
The Dr El-Shenawy seems so confused, so concerned. She waves at another person who goes out of the room.
She keeps telling me everything will be alright.
The person returns quickly and give a small folder to the Dr. She takes out a few photographies and show them to me.
"Is it the mummy you discovered?"
Speechless, I keep my eyes on it, there is no signs of what we saw.There are indeed red spots, but the mummy is in a poor state, it's impossible to tell if it is rust, corrosion or damages caused by time... And no corpse... No signs of what we saw.
"But there was a dead body in there, with the mummy, a recent one... I don't understand..."
"We ran some toxicology tests on all of you. One of your employees called for help after you started to bleed. All the results came back as negative. We also tested the mummy for any hallucinogens, poison and gas we have in our data base. Nothing's out of the ordinary... on paper."
"Well some sarcophagus can contain some contaminated air... but not cause those hallucinations... I have never heard of such a thing."
"Dr Hima... We need to keep you and your team in quarantine. We do not know what happened and can't risk to unleash a contagious disease. Do you understand?"
I nod, feeling exhausted.
"Can I see Ron? Or someone else from my team? Making sure they are alright..."
"I'm sorry. For now we need to see who recover first, if you all present the same symptoms. You might not have been infected at the same degree. It is safer, for now."

Dr El-Shenawy lives the room. I sink into the bed, trying to wrap my head around all the events. The sensations come back to me, all the fear, the pain... But they all seem to belong to someone else, like a nightmare who doesn't want to be forgotten.
The stress and the memories are draining all my energy. The ringing in my ears is persistent, and I feel unable to think. A nurse comes and asks me random questions about my health and state of mine. She tries to sound comfortable, hidden behind a complete suit. She keeps telling me that everything will be alright, that they will find the cause. I answer her questions, afraid to ask some myself. Suddenly, she steps back and reach for the interphone. I wipe my eyes, feeling something odd and realize they are bleeding again. The smell is sickening, odd, not like the usual smell of blood, but something rotten. My stomach starts to hurt when the Dr rush back in. She takes some of the blood, while asking the nurse to inject me some products. While falling asleep I notice something green with the blood sample.

"Dr Hima, RUN!"
My heart jumps in my chest, and my eyes are wide open. Ron is standing next to me; he looks terrified.
"Dr Hima, you need to run. Something is coming, run."
A rattling sound coming from the hallway is sending chills down my spine. The sound is slow, steady and coming toward the room.
Ron keeps begging me to run. Unable to take my eyes away from the door, waiting for something to get in, I hear Ron saying the most disturbing things... He tells me that everyone is dead, that he doesn't have long.
"What do you mean Ron, the Dr said..."
"The Dr lied, we are all dead. You are dead too, you just don't know yet. She kept you for last. She chooses you Dr Hima. She is coming for you."
My stomach cramps come back, terrible and so painful. I feel my inside twisting and crawling. I vomit some strange mixture of blood and other fluids. The smell is awful, like a rotten animal left in a closed box under the sun.
Someone is getting in, I can hear someone entering the code.
"Oh, Dr Hima... I'm sorry, I was too late..."Ron's voice is calm.
The door open and here SHE is. The mummy walk toward me, her articulations crack on every moves. I can't move, my stomach emptying itself, paralyzed by pain and fear. Ron takes a few steps back, sit on a desk and watch with a sorry face.
As the mummy climb and crawl on the bed, grab my feet and lick the mess coming out of me, she makes happy noises, like a cat's purr.
"You will soon be with us Dr Hima. Oh, it won't be quick, but eventually you will also rest."
I keep my eyes on Ron. He smiles gently. I feel the mummy's face next to mine. She lay down on me, digesting my body. I can feel myself becoming a part of her. I can feel her memories, her emptiness. If there was anything human in her at some point, it's long gone. I focus on Ron, on he's gentle smile. Tears are running down my chins, I can't scream, I can't fight.
"Dr Hima... don't worry about a thing. I'll stay with you. Whatever happens, just looking into my eyes and all will be alright."

My head hurt, it's all dark. I can't move, the place is too narrow. My body is not responding to me. How long have I been in there? When I am awake, Ron tells me stories, but I never stay awake for long. Something is different this time.
"Ron, are we on water?"
"No, someone found us."
"What do you mean?"
"You will die soon. She will get someone fresh to digest; you will finally die and be free."
Ron sounds happy, relieved. I can hear voices outside of the sarcophagus. People are trying to push the lid. To open this Pandora box. Before I have time to say anything, to beg them to stop, the lid is open. I try to warn them, so I scream, as loud as I can. The mummy wakes up and presses my body against hers, soon I am unable to scream, to warn them...

© Nogh(Challier_Melody)