

love is a lie ~ {lyrics}
don't remember how it came to be,
I know, you were an unexpected breeze,
The curtains blew in.

Your voice was seductively soft,
while your promises, seemed
to slowly become poetry;
honeyed sugar assaulting my ears.

The moments swiftly grew into hours
My heart, for years, resisted
being imprisoned in a frozen cage.
I wanted to believe,
someone would love me.

With words, you cleverly weaved a web
you were the flame
I...lonely wanted to
only seek your warmth.

without any warning,
You transformed into
an uninvited, yet sweet storm.

Your touch, etched upon my skin
Now burned for an eternity...
disrupting my once peaceful reverie.
Inevitably, you departed;
silent, without any further verses
sung to me.


Love is a lie
I’ve come to despise
You're a lie
I've come to despise
Love is a lie
Still I cannot deny...
Oh how you're a lie
You turned love into a...lie

Black tears fall from my
tragic eyes, incessantly
Memories of you, linger;
ghosts haunting,
Teasing, dancing with my heart


Love is a lie
I’ll try to rectify
You're a lie
I've come to despise
Love is a lie
Still I cannot deny...
Oh how you're a lie
You turned love into a lie

I don't remember how it came to be,
For, you didn't send me an invitation.
Your eyes, so shiny, full of resentment,
Yet finally, we were together.
I was filled with total contentment
I embraced you
Your arms, felt like Zephyr's loving caress.

You finally settled down, serene rest
Your eyes now closed,
i beckoned the raven to fly towards me
raven wings, inky midnight covering us in
shadowy blanket.


Love is a lie
Led to our demise
You're a lie
I've come to despise
Love is a lie
Still I cannot deny...
Oh how you're a lie
You turned love into a lie

I glanced upon your moonlit face,
so lovingly
My lips, violated yours
One last kiss, my love, before...
We enter everlasting bliss.


Lovers lay dead, their blood
has long ago run dry

Raven's wings, covering us
in a shadowy blanket

Ashes, earth's muddied walls,
our new home
No longer, will we ever be apart...
Never again, will I be alone.


Love is a lie
I've come to despise
You're a lie
I've come to despise
Love is a lie
Still I cannot deny...
Oh how you're a lie
You turned love into a lie…
Love is a lie…

((((you're a lie.)))
© ms.barrie