

Once upon a time in Britstown,there was once a small family of a mother and her three daughters.The woman was named Charity and her daughters Candy and Ava then there was this one other precious daughter in the family who was so down to earth and very respectful,her name was Magdalene.

Charity was an aggrieved woman she was very bitter and always showed favoritism amongst her daughters.Charity was on her pension after she worked 48 years as a nurse and now with her money she sent Candy to nursing school since she also had the same passion as her.Ava was an aspiring model,she loved beauty and glamor,it was never her dream to futher her studies after completing matric and Charity permitted her to do anything she wanted with her life.Then there was Magdalene who was only 21 and was stuck with her life because she couldn't get good grades to let her into university.She was once involved in a car accident that resulted to the death of her father thus causing her a lifetime trauma and eversince her mental health has always been a major issue,she lost focus and a bit of herself as well making her school work to lack impressive results.

Her mother had been giving her a very rough treatment,always bringing her down with her scornful words.Every chance she got she would remind her how much of a failure and good for nothing child she was.All of that was because her sisters seemed to be working on the purposes of their lives while Magdalene's dream to study Biochemistry at university seemed to be just a silly dream.Chariy enjoyed setting rules and oders of what must happen with Magdalene's life and that was only because Magdalene was so slow minded,sometimes lost focus and again because she only obtained higher certificate for her matric pass.

Magdalene was so calm and very respectful.Always obeyed her mother and avoided butting heads with her sisters even when they would intentionally do her diry.Nonetheless that didn't change how her family would treat her.She had consolidated with her mother countless times to pay for her as she re-writes some of the subjects that she didn't achieve with better results but all that Charity could say was that she would never waste her money on a slow minded child who would still prove that she was born to be a disgrace and a failure.

All those words pierced Magdalene's heart so badly but still she would never disrespect her mother though she started to feel abhorrence attack from her family to her.As time went by a battle rose in the house,Charity began claiming that she won't be able to provide everything to Magdalene so she had to do something with sitting around the house doing nothing.Whenever Magdalene asked for something from her mother she would bite her head off by scolding at her and that was because Candy never asked for much because she had monthly allowance from her nursing busary on the other hand Ava was a slay queen that went around with multiple men who all gave her money to take care of her self.

As time went by Charity found a job for Magdalene at the farm around Britstown.Even though Magdalene pleaded with her mom to find a better job she was still forced to go work at the wheat and potatoes farm.Every morning Magdalene would wake up early in the morning to prepare breakfast for everyone,tidy up the kitchen once the breakfast has been served,when she was done she would then head to the farms to work.When she gets home after work she had to prepare supper,wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen after everybody has eaten,on days where she was off from work she had to everybody's laundry and make sure that the yard outside was very clean.

Magdalene was a man climbing a mountain with a ponderous load on his shoulders.She couldn't stop asking herself why did she had to receive such a treatment full of malice from her mother.Her life was just a tale of woe.She would cry everyday wondering if her father was alive would she still go through the same hardships.

When she had received her pay her mother would take all of it to sort out her matters and give her a little portion of what was left,sometimes she wouldn't get anything at all.Charity would take the money and save it for when the days get rainy for Candy and Ava.

Charity would get jealous when Magdalene was dressed neatly and beautifully,she never wanted her to be recognised by boys,one unlucky day for her she was beaten by her mother and Ava after they found out that Ava's boyfriend was asking out Magdalene after seeing her wearing a tight mini skirt.She was chased outside the house to sleep in the veranda that night,in the morning she had to prepare breakfast for them before taking a bath they never apologised to her about what they did to her.

One hot day during lunch time,Magdalene sat alone under the tree shade crying.Then unexpectedly Kevin the son of the farm owner appeared and realised how miserable Magdalene's face was because of the tear that were all over her face.It was already late for her to conceal her pain,Kevin had already realised how shattered this young lady was.He sat down with her,asked who her name was and why was she crying.Magdalene decided to cough out everything to Kevin and after that a very strong friendship was formed between them but Kevin was in love with her,he was only waiting for the right time to strike whilst he gets to know her.

As time went by they started talking constantly over the phone,they started meeting secretly,going out together until they got comfortable with lying around each other.Then Kevin decided to let Magdalene know how he felt about her and Magdalene also admitted that she was also in love with him.They secretly started dating,they were so in love with each other.Time for Kevin to leave Northern Cape and go take over her father's farm in Pretoria came,he wanted to refuse because he didn't want to leave Magdalene behind knowing very well the ill treatment she got from her mother however he didn't have any choice but leave, until he came up with an idea to take Magdalene with him so that they start over their lives in a different environment.Magdalene agreed to Kevin's idea,she only packed few of her essential needs then decided to abscond with Kevin.He booked a flight for them and they flew the coop.

When Charity realised that Magdalene was no where to be found she just thought that Candy was just trying to fit a storm in a teacup when she claimed that Magdalene had ranaway from home,when weeks went on without her returning home that's when they realised that it was true,Magdalene had ran away from home but still never bothered to go an extra mile to find her they all believed that she was going to come back home after life had humbled her wherever she was.

Five years went by and still Magdalene never showed her face to her family.Candy was now a professional nurse,she was wealthy and Ava was a well-known model living the life of her dreams but in a blink of an eye life changed for them.Charity started suffering brain tumor and lung cancer at once and all those dreadful diseases lead to her death,leaving Candy financially drained because she had used all her money to get her mother specialists to help her get healed.The stress and the trauma of how she lost her mom changed Candy,she lost focus at work until she was fired after she overdosed a feeble patient to death.She completely lost her self after she lost her job,she started suffering from anxiety untill one day she was chased by a car when she was crossing the street,that became the end of her life.Candy died.

Ava now was struggling,she couldn't deal with loosing her mother and her sister in a short period of time.The affluent men that she relied on to maintain her lavish life started treating her bad,untill she was exposed to the public that she had promiscuous behavior and that made her name to be tarnished.No modeling agency wanted to work with her,she lost deals with celebrities,she started loosing money,her cars were repossessed and she was also kicked out of her apartment.She had no anyother choice but to go back in Britstown.

When she got there life never became better for her,she couldn't take care of herself and she was dying because of hunger then she decided to go and look for a job at the maize and potato farm and luckily she got employed there.

A month later,Kevin decided to sell the farm at Britstown,he had taken over after her father died a year ago.So one day he and Magdalene decided to fly to Northern Cape to meet their potential buyers.When they got there Magdalene couldn't believe her eyes after she found Ava working in the farm after she last saw her on social media as an excellent model.Ava also couldn't believe what she saw,seeing Magdalene with her two eyes.Everyone one thought Magdalene had died long ago and now it was hard to accept what she was seeing.She showed looking beautiful,her face had a breathtaking glow as a result of pregnancy.A ring on her finger could tell that she was married to Kevin and she managed to study farming after being inspired by her husband who was a farmer and she also owned her own farm that was also located at Pretoria.

Ava tried to apologised to everything that they had done to Magdalene but she never bothered to listen to any of Ava's apolgy.Magadalene seemed to care less even after she was told what resulted to the death of her mother and Candy.She did what pushed her to fly to Northern Cape which was meeting new buyers after they had sold the farm she went back to Pretoria and lived happily ever after with his husband Kevin.

After Ava had seen Magdalene she never slept peaceful,she couldn't stop thinking of how life turned out to be for both of them,the bad treatment that they used to give to Magdalene and to how she had succeeded living a life anybody could envy.Poverty striked even harder,she started receiving calls from the big banks claiming that she is owing millions of money,she had to start making insant payment or else she was going to face a life sentence in jail.She tried to pay but with the little amount left from her salary after taking care of her needs was never enough.She began realising that she was also suffering her mothers sins,she began suffering mental disorders until she hang herself to die.That was the end of Ava's life.Ava died.

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