

The Unknown girl
Riley, Zoe and Lily were best friends. One day they went to their school Get together. There was 40 students in their School Get together. They had Veg Spring roll and ketchup in their lunch. After that they ate Ice cream in desert but 1 cup of ice cream was missing. Riley told to everyone Who ate this ice cream? Everyone said Linda ate it .She came here .She ate Lunch and Ice-cream and went for her home. What Linda? Riley said to herself. Riley told everyone that Linda is not here she said me when I was giving Ice- cream to everyone that I am in America and She was at the beach. Everyone was afraid that who was that girl. That night the Unknown girl came in the dreams of Riley. She can't even sleep that night. Next day Riley told this things to Zoe, Lily and her teacher. Her teacher said that there was a girl who died in a young age. She Loved School Get togethers. She came here every year. She was died because of Cancer. She was very intelligent. She wanted to live but she can't. She died in the year 1960. Her room is locked where she used to live and her corpse is also in that room. No one touched her corpse because of Cancer. Her corpse is rotten in her room. Riley, Zoe and Lily decided to bury her body. They buried her body and her soul finds peace.
Author: Jimmy Bhatt.