

One Night :
Lonely Side シ

ik, you will love it just
once read my words -!

As I lie on my bed and look outside
Through the window on my right
I stare and admire the beauty
And calmness of the night
Which seems perfectly right
And it feels as if all my goals
are within sight.
I appreciate the speeding winds
which are making the trees sway
And just when I say to myself
“Oh! What a day!”
The fragrance of that air mixed
with dresses of freshness and change
Help me to bring to life all my dreams.
And before I know, it already starts to rain
And just then I say to myself
Now, nothing will be the same,
“It’s time for much needed change. ”
The first drop of water that fall on my face
seem like a perfect embrace
It completely rejuvenates all my senses
Awakens and energises my soul
After which I am all set of face the world
I celebrate all the good and bad
Things that happen to me today
And regret about what went astray
Although regretting doesn't make much sense.
And it's much later that I realise
what I meant
Even in that wrong years ago
was a hidden right
And maybe because of that I am
Where I am tonight.
Then I take one deep breath
And put all my thoughts to rest
And simply hope for the best.
- akshayā
P.O.V - Pretending to be happy even in a wrong time and expressing a moment at one night.
#nightthoughts #raindrop #hopingforbest
#captioned #akshaya