

Traffic Jam
"Oh...see You told me that There will be no traffic Know...see"..Said Asad.

"Oh...Now Everything is my fault...You also told me that You Belive me..But it is your belif...I knew that Every man changed after marriage.."Said Ruba.

ASAD: oh...dear...I was joking. Actually..I knew that You never be wrong.
Ruba: Yes...Good..
Asad: But this traffic is the example of....that
Ruba: What? What are trying to say?
Asad: No...I am trying to say..
Ruba: Good....I know...Remembered that day..When You insulted me because I gave you a wrong information..
Asad: What day?
Ruba: Now...forget ...very good..
Asad: Yes...But...that Day you were wrong..and I was right.
Ruba: See...Yes you were always right...You are the best Mr righter of the world...
Asad: Are you making fun of me?
Ruba: How..dare of mine?
Asad: It is your problem..
Ruba:...Mom was right about you.
Asad: Again Your mom!
Ruba: I knew...You don't like her...
Asad: Not like that..
Ruba: Yes..like that...
The driver starts to laugh...
Asad:..Driver why are you laughing?
Driver: I think Biggest traffic jam is starting now..
Ruba: Biggest traffic jam?
Driver: Yes madam...
Asad:..Do you understand , What he is trying to say?
Ruba: Better than you..
Asad: Oh...True!You are only one intelligent..
Ruba: Yes...more than you

DRIVER talks in mind..

This traffic jam will never be finished.