

Fear. part 2: Hopes and dreams.
Another form of fear that lies with in our daily lives is giving up, on something we have always dreamed about, worked so hard on, planned so much about. We sculpt our future in our mind, and dream. Day to day, years to years, we dream. We captivate our thoughts, feelings, hard work and daily life to it.

There's nothing wrong with dreaming or having ambitions, what's wrong is we start expecting things to happen or turn out the way we have been working so hard for them to. It kills our self esteem when it doesn't occur. When you realize you have to give up on that one thing you've been working so hard on. We fear we might not have anything else we may hold so much passion for. We fear of losing ourselves along with those dreams.

Everything we do today has a reason, an aim behind it. Simple steps that bring us closer to what we wish to build and achieve.

We fear reality. That one day we will wakeup and realize it can only be a dream. Real life has us face difficulties and hardships, that only shape us into stronger bodies. We need to be prepared for these pauses and breakdowns, face them and get over them. Instead we start believing we failed.

Let me share something, failure is giving up, not having to face these problems. Failure is you crushing your dreams, yes YOU. You can do wonders when you take control of your mind and body. Be positive and be real. Prepare yourself and be ready to face hardships. Success and happiness doesn't drop down from heavens. You need to work sweat and bear to achieve your goals. Don't let go of your passion, just because some things didn't workout. Fight yourself and know that if you keep going, you will succeed. Believe in yourself.

You can fight every kind of fear. You just need to realize you don't need anything or anyone to do so. Its just some positive and negative thoughts that YOU control.

Help yourself, Heal yourself, Learn from your mistakes and Move on.

© theblacksparrow