

A Tree Life
If you believe in reincarnation, who would you choose as your next life form if you had the chance? But if you don't believe in it, explain why.

If I could be reincarnated in the next life, I would take the form of a tree. I get to be seeded into the Earth, connecting the land and sky. Creating clean oxygen for life all around me. I would happily be there through the seasons and years, to gives hope and strength in change. Whether it be by my leaves changing colors, to climb, or my falling leaves to the ground. And then blossoming again to show them I was never truly gone. When I am old I was happy to serve you. If you cut me down and used me, I will still serve you. My purpose was great or to serve others. Their purpose gave me purpose. We all have our place in life and where we serve each other.
© typicallytasha