

we are strong enough
We are stronger on our own, to laeder our selfs to be our own kings and queens. To thus is to be a free bird of our own life ahead of us to seek out other people then our own. We will prosper for our selfs not to others only you can be the chosen one of your self and care for your lost dreams that will be found once more. Is this real or this is false, either way this is life to become the beginning and the end of your story isn't the best way to go or is it just a shadow to creep over my sins. Isn't life a cure to answer our question? Do we listen to ourselves just to be civil about ourselves? I say yes to every single answer that is gaven to me every single time. Isn't that so much complicated to realize that is gaven to ourselves is the only way of life? Yet again I say yes. Isn't that the cure for everything is just letting you to be more comfortable with ourselves? am I the one with religion with God that I help other in need of help? To the both questions I say yes.