

A man
We have so much to write upon love , sacrifice , life etc. and a blunder of thoughts upon a mother , women , father but in all this THE MAN has been neglecting somewhere . Yes ! A man , A man who also performs so many tasks , A man who always be there for you . So , A man who is a SON , BROTHER , FRIEND , BOYFRIEND , HUSBAND , FATHER and a GRANDFATHER .
Just like women's every men should also deserve equal respect but due to some of the sick people who are like a infested lice , messing up our society , makes the every man's image lousy .
Despite being all the negligence , A man keep on performs all of his roles with full dedication . They never showed up their pain , scars , sufferings but deep down they need that love , care , respect just like they gave us all this . A man takes care of everyone's happiness in his family ; like a father who fulfill each and every wishes of their child , fulfill the wishes of his wife's but never want something in return just endless love , like a brother who may be everytime teases you but when you need him he always stand by you , like a friend who understands you and having a male bestieee is such a blessing , like a boyfriend who loves you , who withstand tantrums of you , care , respect , makes you laugh and many more , like a grandfather who teaches you the best life lessons of life , pouring into the virtues and so on . Somewhere society makes the image of a man as stiff and tough , but why ? they also have the right to share their feelings , their pain , their scars . They can also cry , their tears are also important as of the women's . I just want to say that they do all their single efforts to just keep their family happy , fulfilling their all wishes . Not all men's are same , is just we need to see the good in them .
I want to say that they may never show but somewhere they want that people understand them , their pain , their sufferings , their sacrifices .
All I have this much to say !

Hello! readers thank you for giving your precious time to give it a read 😊 .

© aaradhya..🍁