

That very first glimpse that makes your attention circumvent for a while, makes you dive deep into knowing him more and wanting to blend in his various shades is the moment when the 'connect actually clicks'. People meet , they date each other they start getting fond of each other and eventually end up falling in love. Then why is it that some get to experience all these steps of the ladder while some stumble down.

When we all are already aware that the basic wings that keeps this bird fly up are trust, honesty, attraction, respect, understanding, fidelity then why still it fails to soar high.
While there are no specific MCQ technique answering it as, each couple has its own equations of togetherness. Life is no black and white shade and 'love' is an entire rainbow of enormous combinations of vibgyor imbibed in this huge concept.

What about looking upon a relationship as a journey of companionship relying on wheels of EQUALITY. What about making it as a tacit component of bonding. No space for control, dominance, injustice , misunderstanding or pomposity. The power distribution gets even and a land where every individual sapling is respected and taken care of, the entire field has a fairer chance to blossom.

With the changing world as humans evolve, energies evolve, relatioships evolve so is required the upgradation of the couple see saw. In a world where feminism means equality every healthy relationship has to look forward to the principle of fairness. This is the equal right to make love, to have a voice , to make mistakes, to fight, to break up, to propose, to make choices, to lead, to guide, to understand, to be understood , to forgive, to be forgiven. The destination seems to be achievable when two people not only walk hand in hand but also side by side because, when two people are meant to be together they are pieces of an incomplete puzzle and, the puzzle can be completed only when both the pieces belong to the same world!!