

The Mirrors Of Our Life. !

Everything and everyone around in our life serves as a mirror.

Some things and some people reflect our beauty and greatness back to us.

While some people and some things reflect back the parts of ourselves that are wounded and distorted in the journey of our life.

Don't forget to treat those visible and invisible scars as the souvenirs from the battles we fought in our life.

From time to time, we may feel the weight of the expectations of the people around.

We might keep thinking, that we are
unattractive, unsuccessful and unworthy of love.

But we forget to realise that we have been surrounded ourselves, with the mirrors of perspectives, perceptions and expectations.

Those few bad mirrors constantly reflect our weaknesses, insecurities and make us more vulnerable.

But we need to search for those marvelous mirrors with patience, that helps to reveal our greatness and inner beauty of who we truly are.

When you change the mirrors the reflection of ourselves that we see will change or improve.

When you change a few people around, your perceptions improve and our clarity towards life will be enhanced.

Keep looking for those new magnificent mirrors around who reflect our true image without any distortions. Keep looking for those mirrors that capture our inner beauty.

Those are the kind of people we need in our life, who are always standing beside us and constantly reminding us of our true worth and our strength in the times of hardships.