

I remember

it as if it just happened yesterday.

My friend,

Priscilla had bought her first apartment and we went out to celebrate her new

beginning an apartment that is also closer to her job as well in the town/ city

we both met and grew up. It was late when we got back to her apartment and

almost every light was on which was crazy because I remember that we turned off

all the lights.

We turned a

corner and there was someone in the bedroom, so Priscilla and I took a bat and

tennis racket ready to attack. The person came out with a crazy look on his

face, I quest we looked ridiculous to him, but it was his question and our

answer that caused question to all of us. He asked ‘why we were in his

apartment?’ I certainly didn’t stay long after gave our answer I figured they

were going to argue and I didn’t want to be a part of that. The next day I

heard from Priscilla it seems that the owner rented it out to both her and the

guy that same apartment, I just wonder what will happen and who will keep it…or

get the apartment…..apparently neither, that owner didn’t help much he said

they would have to deal with it at least he’s not charging per person.


wasn’t happy, but she and Sam came to an agreement which certainly surprised me

because Priscilla can be at times un-comprisable. The comprise was that

Priscilla will sleep in her bedroom and Sam in the spare room, then a scheduled

or locked bathroom when being used, and then Sam will pay the bills accept

Priscilla’s car and Priscilla would be buying food, it was all crazy. They got

use to it and I suppose Priscilla forgot about having Sam there, that it felt

normal; now both of them are friends.

One day I,

Erica came over to the apartment to see if Priscilla would like to go shopping,

but she wasn’t home yet although Sam was; so Sam and I talked. Sam is still

hunting for an apartment, he’s a teacher, and grew up here. I wonder though if

he really grew up here because after I went shopping with my good friend I went

home and pulled out my yearbooks, I didn’t see any one named Sam in my

elementary , but in middle and high school

yearbooks, if only I had his last name it be easier to see who he was.


is finally here and Priscilla and I were heading home to be with our family,

but Sam said ‘he had no parents or siblings to go home too.’ His parents died

couple so years ago and he is an only child, wow that must be sad and lonely

when holidays come along, but it seems this year is going to be different

Priscilla offered him to tag along, of course he was hesitant, but Priscilla

wasn’t going to accept any no’s and she called her parents about a friend

coming with her. So for a week and half

Sam was at Priscilla’s parents’ house for thanksgiving.

Two weeks

after Thanksgiving and they’re decorating for Christmas, but neither wanted to

put mistletoe up so I did. They may have not put it up but they kissed a few

hours later I quest they got what was coming for avoiding one décor item. As if

they could hide their feelings by discussing books and their jobs; I was

talking to Sam for a bit I finally got his last name. I went home a few hours

later looked for his name in both middle and high school yearbooks like three

times, but I didn’t find a Sam Brooks.

Sam asked me

to go shopping this is my time to ask about his schooling. He’s looking for

something for Priscilla, how sweet and they’re not dating. I think if not now

maybe after Christmas. Got home late I found Sam moved before he entered middle

school so I would have to check my elementary yearbook the only book I didn’t

look through for a Brooks; no Sam Brooks, but a Gary Brooks. The next day I

went over to their apartment to confront this Sam guy before Priscilla gets

home from work (the zoo) she wouldn’t want me questioning or anything that

would offend him.

I came out

and said what I’ve been doing trying to figure him out and see who he was and

yes he was a little offended, he said I could have just asked instead of

digging and going through all the craziness. He said that he changed his name

from ‘Gary too Sam’ for a few reasons after he moved he didn’t want anything to

remind him where he grew up for a few years. I suppose that makes sense so we

both talked about our years and it seems that he had crush on Priscilla years

ago and still, sadly I can’t tell her he wants to on Christmas. Priscilla came

in but it wasn’t long I was dragging her out to the store for a few more Christmas presents then I took

her back to my apartment. Bad idea my yearbooks were still out and I act weird

when I lie, I told her I was looking through for an old friend. We sat on the

couch telling jokes, drinking coffee, and stories about our past and our

crushes, funny both Gary (Sam) and Priscilla liked each other but we were young

to even say how we felt and dating. I need to push them together or at least

set up some date thing that way they can talk more.

The next day

something happened to Priscilla nothing bad s, he met some guy and she’s going

out with him, great…just great. I’m happy for her I just hoped Sam is alright.

I went over to the apartment too see how Sam is and if he will still tell

Priscilla who he was. Yes! Sam is still going to tell her on Christmas I do

wish I could be there to see her expression, but I’m sure Sam/ Gary would want

to be alone.

At last

Christmas! I went over to Priscilla’s and Gary’s shared apartment to wish them

a merry Christmas and drop a present(s) for them. It seems that I’m not the

only one there, Priscilla’s boyfriend Oliver. He seems like a nice guy, but I

don’t I don’t trust people that often especially someone who is always on the

phone, Oliver is a lawyer and since I’ve been in the apartment Oliver been on

that phone nearly three hours , off at last spoke to soon another ring. Oliver

left was needed at the office with that I was left with Priscilla and Sam; I

stayed a little bit till Sam gave me the notion to leave. Priscilla called me

later she sounded amazed as if she didn’t believe, but I think she did after he

showed her that old yearbook of his name- his name inside and Priscilla’s

handwriting. That night until midnight Priscilla and Gary talked old time

childhood and their schooling. I decided to go over she how Priscilla was after

all the news yesterday/ last night, I got to the apartment door, and heard

voices. It was Gary and Oliver mostly Oliver I didn’t knock I wanted to hear

what they were talking about. Oliver is so rude the way I heard him; he told

Gary to move out for all he cared he could be in a box living as long as he’s

not living with Priscilla, that’s it’s not right for a man to live with someone

who is not boyfriend/ girlfriend or married. Gary agreed about living with

someone who is not his girlfriend, Oliver told him that this apartment here is

for rent and that he should go immediately. I was right he is someone who can’t

be trusted, I ran to the stairs and rested a little, saw Gary and I hugged him

whispering that I heard them that I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I was coming

over too see Priscilla.

We went out

to get coffee and talk seems that that Gary is one great guy he doesn’t want me

let alone himself to tell Priscilla Oliver’s crazy and harsh words. I hated

that, but I respect Gary so I agreed. Gary got his new apartment, he doesn’t

like it much it’s quiet and empty without Priscilla their and his job is like an

hour and half away. Priscilla totally forgot there agreement in the beginning

and she seemed confused and shocked that he found an apartment, they make a

good pair they both talk to me and Priscilla miss having someone like Gary in

her apartment. It’ll take a bit to get use too it for all of us- Gary not being

their too remember he has a new apartment. Oliver I think should be dumped and

smacked, but I can’t; he’s not my boyfriend and I promised Gary I wouldn’t do

anything drastic or too upset Priscilla.

As months go

by wonder if Gary would come to his sense and tell her what Oliver said and

mostly how he feels about her. It wasn’t till the other day that I thought I

would faint; Oliver proposed and Priscilla said yes, I’m happy for her, but it

wasn’t for the fact that Gary isn’t the one I think. I told Gary too do

something; to tell his feelings for her- to make a move before he regrets it

not getting involve and such. Gary agrees to mine/my opinions and tells me that

I’m right, an hour(s) later a knock on my door…Priscilla! With an unsure

confused face she moved slowly into my apartment and lumped onto my couch. I

quest Gary told her his feelings; I went over to sit next to her a minute or

two went by and then Priscilla told me what happened…That Gary came over and

told her what Oliver said too him months ago, his feelings for her, then kissed

her and left with no words left to say. I wished Gary stayed there too see what

she had to say or is she would of kissed him back, interruption- Priscilla. I

asked her what she going to do….I thought she would of said go after Gary and

talk instead I heard ‘prepare for the wedding, so then I offered her a

piece/some advice. I told her to go ahead and prepare, but also to listen to

her heart and feelings…and if something feels wrong or that she has second

thoughts do what she has to, but not to worry about it until the day of the

wedding. With a confused look she asked what.

I told her my mother always told me if I have big decision to make that may

include second thoughts to push it aside until that day because then you’ll

feel that you made right /wrong decision. It works! Priscilla continues

preparing for the wedding still chewing on what I, Erica said and indeed she is

having second thoughts, well it looks that way.

Whenever she gets nervous she bites her bottom lip and repeatedly plays

with/touches her hair; one very nervous bride.

Wedding day

is here. Gary not coming to the wedding he was invited; he decided to stay home

and pack his apartment, he is moving south I think he said South Carolina.

Priscilla doesn’t know that Gary is moving and I’m going say anything Gary

would of said something and if she decides to leave the wedding unwed then and only

then I would tell her. Priscilla looks absolutely beautiful like the brides she

saw in those magazines. 

The wedding

was on time and running smoothly until the pastor asked her if she takes this

man, silence for two so minutes then an answer ‘no’, Priscilla started back up

the aisle and stopped for a moment long enough to apologize and welcome

everyone to the hall for dinner after that she was running for her car. I, Erica called her see what she was doing,

of course I should have known. Going back to her apartment to change after

answering me she asked what Gary’s address is. I told her the address and

mentioned that he is packing; to move too South Carolina with that I told her

to maybe just go right over there with that dress on. Priscilla hanged up and

called Gary he didn’t answer as many times as she called him and he didn’t

answer…Priscilla touch the microphone button Gary asked who it was and

Priscilla said his neighbor Lucy; with that he let her in thinking it was his

neighbor. A minute later a knock at his door, without looking in the hole see

who it was opened the door and Priscilla was in his arms kissing him tears in

her eyes. Stepped back a little Gary went in to let her in. Priscilla looked

around amazed to see how far he got-with the packing. They stood there waiting

for one-each other to talk, Gary still confused, shocked looked and possibly

rattled-unsure thoughts just stood, so Priscilla started telling him that she

didn’t marry Oliver but to wish to marry someone else her friend, Gary. Continuing

she asked why he didn’t pick up… his answer was because he was upset,

unhappiness, and that he thought she got married and wish not to talk to her

not for a few days…And with that said more kisses and someone at the

microphone/bell me, Erica. Gary let me in still stealing kisses with Priscilla

at least they stopped long enough to talk to me. Seems we’re going to have

another wedding in a couple months. I loved how things worked out even if it

doesn’t make sense or if we’re blind to the answer (ending). The only thing

that describes this is the word FATE!

Now that

they’re wedding is here and gone they are expecting a healthy girl. How nice is

that. I think they will call her Katya. Once in a while Priscilla would run

into Oliver they didn’t talk the first time after second time of seeing each at

the store they talked mostly on how they are. Oliver is fine he got married

later on to his secretary Holly.